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Everything posted by Irishman

  1. Yes same filter just make sure you get the right size
  2. Yous easily Cheers, D. LMAO.. Yous ejits easily ammused. I was told before i joined this site i would meet the likes of yous. Would expect it from english but not from the irish
  3. I wrote them a letter give my head peace would you
  4. Good season this year very happy
  5. Dont no about you but were i live foxes live mainly on small mammals and not waisting their time running after pheasants. I think every fox in every area is different just giving my opinion like everyone else
  6. FAIR enough its just something that i dont do. I hunt foxes for terrierwork and ive been asked to do fox control in the past which consists of killing foxes out of season its just not for me.
  7. Im saying no more about it everyone to their own.. il leave yous to it
  8. They take the odd one here and there but not worth having to kill another mans sport for it.. if you think it is then you are the EJIT and i hope you dont call yourself a huntsman if you do
  9. Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....wellI I take it your one that likes killing soft vixens full of cubs or feeding cubs by the sound of you EJIT
  10. Thats a load of sh*t foxes filling lambs and they dont do that much damage to pheasants thats from a farmer thats been in sheep all his live and a shooting man that runs a gun club.. you go out killing foxes at this time of year or any other time of year for that matter more foxes will come in to take their place FACT. Now a man that has hens i no he at risk from the fox but secure the pen up right and problem solved.
  11. I agree it dosnt take a good terrierman to find vixens in holes now. Just madness killing foxes at this time of year getting ready to cub dont care if it for lambing or poultry reasons just leave them alone.
  12. Taylor made for bushing NICE!!
  13. is the dog in run a borderxlakey type mate,smart dogs pal His father is a border/lakey 12 year old still going and his mother is a patt/fell
  14. Was thinking the same would rather not here about it
  15. Great pics Saw a hound pack out 2day for a walk must be getting ready for 2morrow
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