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Everything posted by Irishman

  1. United we stand is a phrase used by terriermen that do the thing right
  2. how can anyone on here back you up when you keep shooting yourself in the foot. if you knew anything about the game you claim to be so passionate about then you would know its history, its ins and outs, and know what does it more harm than good..... do you hunt a pack of hounds? if you do you are not in the game long/wont last very long as every huntsman in the country will help out a farmer in season or not, do some research on the lads commenting on this tread and i think you will find most of them know what they talking about, are pretty genuine and do alot more listening than talking....
  3. You dont here from me in the winter cause im hunting when its meant to be done
  4. Look mate I dont have any problems with shooting men i know plenty of them.. as long as they shoot birds and not an other mans sport thats just the way i was brought up.. surely you can understand
  5. I dont think I will stay on this site much longer talking to clampits like you lot.. I cant say i wasnt told about yous
  6. Accuseing a huntsman of beeing an anti thats lower than killing cubs
  7. Did T.H out of Dungannon not own hitler?
  8. I know shadow dead mate if its the same one we talking about
  9. I would like to see some decent terriermen/huntsmen back me up here or i will start to get worried
  10. I hunt for SPORT the way its meant to be
  11. They not dog men if they agree with killing foxes out of season
  12. I hope the men that are telling me that i am mad dont hunt lurchers as well that would round it all off
  13. Well happy cub killing.. i thought this site was called the hunting life not the shooting and killing life
  14. You talking about shadow the full pitt?
  15. . Oh no we would not LOL i wont sleep tonight now i shouldnt have put the ireland flag up
  16. You call it vermin control so you can get away with shooting other mens sport.. Go get some decoys and shot some peigons and crows
  17. Its sport to mate there is no sport in putting a terrier to ground at any time of the year,......... we do this to provide a service and a means of vermin control as stated in the terriermans code of conduct,....... weather you are part of a club or not if you work a terrier to ground the basics of the code should still be practiced. To portray terrier work as a sport is incorrect and doesnt sound so good to those less educated.... Its a sport to me its called terrierwork. Its all about the dog its not about killing everything in the country
  18. Me and you will get on ok gonetoearth LOL Cant have guns at all the ruination of fox hunting
  19. Iv heard about that hitler dog over the years.. anything out of that shadow line usually right and good.. have a dog here myself shadow would be back in his line
  20. I had the best year iv had in a long time was a good season in the areas i hunt for reds in holes. Talking to other huntsmen at end of the season there and they all agreed
  21. Let alone killing vixens with cubs.. MADNESS
  22. Yous can call yourselves huntsmen all you like i wouldnt kill foxes outa season if you were paying me simple as that and it the same for any good decent huntsmen i know.
  23. Happy Days!! Glad you got the dog back
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