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Everything posted by Irishman

  1. Happy days finished off somthing similar
  2. Like the black lurcher dog NICE
  3. Thers a lad P O'N reading the post i wondering if its the same 1 from Ard Macha N.I?
  4. As I said every dog is different.. A decent man with a dog will know when their dog ready to start or if they need held back.. Common sense
  5. Every dog aint different though mate .It really suprises me to read shit like this on here time after time and re-afirms the fact that loads of you still scatter breed with no other agenda than the last one worked .Going over the same ground as most of my posts in banging on about lines and the importance of it is getting boring for many i see including me and i sometimes wonder why i bother but if you breed a line then they are exactly that ,a line of clones almost that behave so similar its like they are clockwork .The only description in them being not machines is the amount of work i give
  6. Every dog is different.. I treat them like boxers whatever age they start.. start them of easy and work their way up
  7. unbelieveable brilliant
  8. Nice pup plenty of saluki in her
  9. Good crack a day at the rats good for young terriers
  10. A good lurcher should run til it drops in my opinion. But if a dog looks like its getting old and has done good service then its time to hang the boots up and retire
  11. I dont no how many dogs you have but when you have the amount of dogs i have in the kennels and a cough comes about you want it cleared quick you do what you thinks best and il do what i no
  12. Strong bitch mate she would thro a nice pup
  13. Oh mate i couldnt do without the dogs GOOD LUCK!!
  14. I agree neil but if you have a kennel full of dogs and ones getting it here and ones getting it there it can drag on for weeks you just want it cleared up... I had it in my kennels last year for first time its a nightmare... I wouldnt be fussed on giving them penicillin for every nick and bump i agree
  15. I agree.. if you have alot of dogs you wana get it cleared asap as every dog in the kennel will pick it up so it can be about a while "its a pain in the ass"
  16. Good luck.. I had 2 beagle harrier dogs at 1 time they were decent dogs i hunted them for years but father time caught up with them. Tried for a year or so to replace them but cudnt get so just stuck with lurchers and terriers lol do me alright
  17. Happy days hope they work for you. Are they baying on red?
  18. if you think its kennel cough which it sounds like you give it penicillin trust me i seen it work myself i tryed benylin at the start it didnt work the penicillin had it away in a couple of days
  19. nice hounds them mate.. what way they working for you?
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