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Everything posted by LurcherLad94

  1. no one swapped nothing or jacked or tapped you little internet bitch get out and do some ,
  2. what about the white dog this bitches litter brother how's he coming on you kept 2 back didn't you,he looked as if he'd have done a turn?Yes mate there fine the lad I go lampung with ended up having the black and white pup he was abit slower coneing on he's had a few odd nights out when we have had rain and is running welyou had three at one point did you not? yes I had the black and white pup bad for a few weeks as the lad weren't looking after himweres the other dog did you swap him am sure you had him up for swaps no mate I'd have no reason to swap a dog lol I split up with my mrs about 4 m
  3. what about the white dog this bitches litter brother how's he coming on you kept 2 back didn't you,he looked as if he'd have done a turn?Yes mate there fine the lad I go lampung with ended up having the black and white pup he was abit slower coneing on he's had a few odd nights out when we have had rain and is running welyou had three at one point did you not? yes I had the black and white pup bad for a few weeks as the lad weren't looking after himweres the other dog did you swap him am sure you had him up for swaps no mate I'd have no reason to swap a dog lol I split up with my mrs about 4 m
  4. what about the white dog this bitches litter brother how's he coming on you kept 2 back didn't you,he looked as if he'd have done a turn?Yes mate there fine the lad I go lampung with ended up having the black and white pup he was abit slower coneing on he's had a few odd nights out when we have had rain and is running welyou had three at one point did you not? yes I had the black and white pup bad for a few weeks as the lad weren't looking after him
  5. what about the white dog this bitches litter brother how's he coming on you kept 2 back didn't you,he looked as if he'd have done a turn?Yes mate there fine the lad I go lampung with ended up having the black and white pup he was abit slower coneing on he's had a few odd nights out when we have had rain and is running wel
  6. Have a good injury free season lads can't wait me self just started upping the fitness with me pup 11 month old I
  7. Not long left , itching to get out

  8. cheers c green they ran very well bitch first proper night out realy very fast bitch all action looking good
  9. lads does anyone no whats going on with the workingdogsmeds website has he gone out of buisness

  10. this is nearly a hour up the road bird not near me
  11. its just a one off night coverd a big area 75% of fields are long dident touch land on my door step that will be for the season this is just sheep fields dident plan on killing a bag full but the rabbits were there and so were the dogs 30 rabbits is not going to do much damage as i said coverd a few areas but i see were your comeing from i just dont like to pass up nights like that dog have been bored just walkig for the last few mobths
  12. theres the bitch pup turning out a nice sort shes stronger made than the dog but smaller
  13. cheers bud yep had plenty rain here and been wind think if it was a winters night last nigght and could of set off earlier 40-45 wouldent of been a problem as was driveing around alot but ow well still a half decent bag
  14. good night last night bit a clearnece for a farmer i no pups did very well left 3 at a gate at the start of the night would of been a big bag of some of the fields were cut as we werw just lamping paddocks and dident get out untill 12 ish light around half 3-4 looking forwad to the coneing season with these two well done pups
  15. few steady runs for the dog pup tonight while the weather was on our side no harm done
  16. think ill have a crv on one of them small showguns for next season once my insurance goes down
  17. old van for dogs love it runs on air
  18. 100% prefere the blitz and a lithium yes the hand held led have there place and i do use them if im just off for a quick walk bit i just dont feel they have the range and usaly a nights lamping starts early then not finishing untill 4-5 in the morning if weather permits iv had the led go dim on me a few times or if theres a light fog they cant cut through it like the blitz can
  19. cheers pal yh only been the last few weeks hes streched out abit was very square before that think hes still got a little to go
  20. good little mooch this morning only 2 fields from my place bloody walm out thwre
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