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Cushty mush

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Everything posted by Cushty mush

  1. Anybody no of any game dealers in Dorset Or somerset for taking rabbits
  2. Don't you hate spineless little tossers who go round not paying People

    1. stabba


      Riflehunter 583??

    2. Cushty mush
    3. Cushty mush

      Cushty mush

      Take a look at his content in is profile odd? Or is it me everything is in the for sale section,

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  3. Be we're of this member rifelhunter587 he has took a torch off me allso got me to send another batterie, and has now held payment and saying item not as described I've offered a full refund post it back but he won't answer my pms (beware) of this tosser
  4. Thanks mate glad your happy with it You'll never lift a lamp again Atb pete
  5. Witch ones jerry lol Seriously I've never had no luck with a magnet on crows good vid tho lads keep it up!
  6. As above wanted 223 for a tikka any think considered 14x1 Pm me Thanks
  7. m.youtube.com/watch?v=n1drg5K4xN8 Dam stil no joy
  8. Um probs uploading trim.01249A10-C85A-43E3-BC9F-055BCDE2F27A.MOV
  9. 452 16inch really need a new scope as the hawke is to dark for lamping But setting a 223 rig up ,so it'll have to wait
  10. Took a trip out tonight on the bunnys again Rolled into the feild and took the first shot and missed I know straight away! I picked up a box of Ely by mistake Normally it's a tac driver with Winchester subs It was all over the place after 50 yrds lost 4 in the long grass but got a fuw All in all it could of been worse
  11. What a nightmare picked up a box of ely what my gun hates by mistake Lost 4 in the long grass and it was all over the place but got 1or2 Missed about 15 due to the ely
  12. Looks like 3 left going lamping Ant checked fb yet so first come fist served
  13. Paypel a fine that way your guaranteed il pm ya details You want be disappointed and once feed back Starts I think that that'll take off they charge is about 3hours when new But they tend to charge faster when used about an hour ish I'm going out lamping on a perm tonight that I have shot for 3 years (lamp shy) When I shoot with these torches it's like I have took a new permission That has never been shot before il post pics later
  14. I can get the pressure switch yes but I never ordered them. As I found it to fiddlely and it is a (hold on & off switch ) not button Trust me it's easier to just press the button on the back of the torch I went out Lamping last week at 8 and finished about 1130 Battery was just starting to get dull I sold a torch to somebody on here last week and he said he paid £10 for 2xpansonic and I was told that you will longer time span out them Sold 4(Facebook) plus my 2 so only 4 left will get some more in Within the ten days or so
  15. Just orderd some more of these I now Have 8with red beam price drop to £40 posted As I'm keeping 2 for my self There a fantastic torch!!!!!!'nn
  16. Some say these are the same torch as A deery or xsourcher but I've never had one so I Wouldn't now lol il be getting different colours in next week Green what you just drop in the green will go easily to 500 meters But I find the red beam just freezes any think you shine it on There I nice tight beam of about 30 feet @250 yrds Not lighting up the full place scaring off things
  17. Got sum led torches in lads red led,, 250/300 mter beam there in the for sale section I have 8 there fantastic

  18. Led torch Red led (no filters) So the beam is pure ! Hence long range Up graded aspherical lens 1x rechargeable lithium batterie With mains charger £40 posted or 2x for 75 These torches are brand new i bought 10 as I couldn't Believe how good they was but am keeping 2 x for my self Here's one on my cz from last week If your a solo lamper like me you'll don't want Nothing better no wires no no heavy batteries Quick easy and simple 6inch long I use one for scanning and One mounted
  19. Me to but I don't think your gunner get much of a set up for that price matey
  20. Photo shop I agree but this isn't it's a common fact that shooters Regularly take out large wolfs in Northern America and Canada There's some very interesting old photos on google Here's one not that old tho And no I don't think he's 2 foot tall lol
  21. No I didn't think about the cubs starving to death But I did think about the 14 hens that farmers lost in the last 2 weeks And 3 lambs that had there back legs eaton off and then just left It's a personal choice I suppose but I'd rather take a mangy fox And save the lambs un hens (A fox shooter leaving foxs to rare cubs on a hen un sheep farm is a bit if a no brainier ) Just my view Like I said if that's why the farmer wants me there il carry out his wishes
  22. By the way that ant a golf course ! That's my front lawn lol I wouldn't normally bring a fox home But the farmer don't like dead foxs left about his land
  23. Hi, I was having a game of golf on your course last week, and I couldn't help but notice the abundance of rabbit holes everywhere, if you would like some free vermin control drop me an email back and I would have a appointment and chat, and see what would be the best method .I hold firearms licences, shotgun licences, etc,& air rifles what I would recommend as they will only travel 60/80 yards, most of my shooting is carried out at night under night vision or lamping methods so it wouldn't affect your club custom or reviews, Fully insured & basc member Recommendations always av
  24. The reason why I got it 2 years ago Was his local shooter wasn't put putting in Time, so I'm afraid if that what keeps me on there So be it
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