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About Liamjenx

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  • Location
    West Yorkshire
  1. Hi, just wondering if the SMK B2 air rifle is capable of killing a rabbit at from what distance, also has anybody had this air rifle upgraded, if so, what is the power now and what are the advantages. many thanks
  2. Hi guys, im 16 and wanting my first air rifle for hunting, i am from west yorkshire and have seen two rifles. The first one is a chinese b2 .22 that is 65 pound. (Link bellow) http://www.britnett-carver.co.uk/ajjewsons/prods/164.html Could you guys tell me which would be more suitable for a first rifle for hunting birds, squirrels and other small vermin Is the b2 capable of humanely killing a squirrel? Also dont recomend any other rifles because its these two im looking at. Many thanks Liam Then theres this hatsan mod 60s that is 100 pound however it would come t
  3. Hi all, im looking to buy my first air rifle, im 16 with a budget of under £150. Im looking for a Rifle with Decent Accuracy Decent Range Powerful I also want a rifle with a scope as i would be doing some Hunting too, however mostly just targets in my garden. ive seen this Rifle- http://www.airrifleshop.co.uk/Guns/SMK/SMKMain.htm Could you tell me if this is decent for a first gun? Also could someone explain which is better, .22 or .177 for hunting and some targets, which would travel further and be more accurate etc. many thanks liam
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