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Everything posted by carlstoke

  1. Hi mate, whats the catty and what bands you using?
  2. Wilko hex nuts glued one on top of the other, weigh 140 grains, looped 2050 tubes, devastating ammo, drops anything,
  3. Used Colron wood dye on naturals mate with good results, use the spirit based type not waterbased, just wipe on with a soft cloth one coat overnight dry job done. I finised mine with a ca glue coat but its your choice.
  4. have a bells of hythe lucky seven brass n buffallo me self mate, great shooter,got 5080 dankung tubes on at the moment, got a couple of tabbed ash cups as well with 7mm neoprene square fitted, shoot nice smooth and quiet with 12-14mm lead and big round stones,
  5. Beautiful catty that mate, what laccy u got on mate?
  6. practice on leaves mate for your elevated shots, your going to see more squizzers and woodys up in the branches , all the best.
  7. That black assasin square isnt up to much mate, heavy pull and not much power, think you will be dissapointed , dankung 4070 is much faster at half the draw,
  8. 1745 loops with m10 hex nuts on a dankung fox, 2050 loops with 12mm lead on a dankung axe hunter.
  9. 2050 loops with 12mm or 14mm lead, make a mess of woodys.
  10. Hi, anyone fitted a V Mach kit to a Hw 95, if so did it transform the firing cycle, and what did you get in the kit?
  11. Nowt wrong with stones, i use river stones most of the time, had loads of pigeons try to pick the roundest stones about three quarter to an inch in diameter, depends what bands ur using mate i use 7mm square so find stones to match ur bands, hope this helps.
  12. Ive put mahogany scales on two milbro blanks with just epoxy mate,clamp in position until set then sand to shape,use good epoxy and you wont get them off.
  13. Go on ebay mate type in catapult pouches, their is a guy selling five pouches for 4.95, this is the seller from red kite, just go into his ebay shop mate you will find it there.
  14. Get the 7mm red, green, or black neoprene from red kite on Ebay mate Bells are way to expensive, its the same stuff, slings 12mm lead real fast and will last ages. What you puting it onto mate a Milbro?
  15. You will get more shots than with thera gold, the green does not seem to last as long as the orange.
  16. Orange dub dub with 10mm lead but you must max it out, cut the tubes for your exact draw length, it doesnt last to well though,nice easy draw.
  17. Looped 2050 with 12mm lead destroys pigeons, passes through every time, smasses that thick breast plate
  18. Good ammo them 12mm leads with the 7mm neo squares, had two jays and a woodie , roosters with my brass and buffalo horn milbro last night.
  19. What ammo you using with those squares mate?
  20. Thanks for the replies folks, will give the red rubber grease a try.
  21. The rifle is a TX 200 .177, it has a V Mach kit fitted so no issues with the guides, the spring comes pre lubed and the instructions say just lightly coat it with the supplied grease, it needs something like maccari heavy tar to dampen the buzz, it does not twang as such .
  22. Hi to all, anyone know of a good sticky grease to use to stop that anoying spring buzz, if so where is it available?
  23. 5.51 useless in my s410 mate, 5.52 all the way.
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