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Everything posted by Silversnake

  1. alot of inconsistencies in this thread, i guess some can and some can't......
  2. i am curious as to what breeds you wise and knowledgable coursing legends would use to start a coursing line if you had no experienced coursing dogs, and no proven lines of coursing dogs as an option.Here in Australia there are many working dogs, such as staghounds, kelpies, ridgebacks, deerhounds, whippets, greyhounds, bull terriers, wolfhounds, cattledogs, pit bulls etc Also there is every mix imaginable for pig dogs as hunting pigs with dogs is insanely popular here (and great fun!) there does not seem to be many working saluki or saluki x and there does not seem to be alot of hare coursing
  3. he said he's learning annd he admitted his expectations are too high and you still trashed him! you are a hard man desertbred!
  4. smart dog to bay after taking a nasty hit like that, here in oz a drathaar is rarely used to lug any pigs,let alone an angry boar, mainly used to find and bay.i would call a lugging drathaar a waste of talent. good to hear she still enjoys her work. atb
  5. good to hear she sounds like she is 'clicking' i am having similar trouble with my 9 month old staghound bitch, partly due to the fact that where i live i cannot find game for her to chase everyday and i think she is a bit of a slow learner. one thing is for sure though, the more i get her out the more she learns. atb.
  6. if i were you i would work out what breeds are suitable first then talk to a few breeders which have the breeds suitable for you, not everyone is a conman and even less are good conmen. if you don't like the way a conversation is going do not buy a pup from that man. make sure you can view the parents and make an educated selection. at the end of the day you can only reduce your risks and then put as much time and effort into developing the pup into the best it can be, things are usually difficult when starting from scratch
  7. i have seen some decent 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 etc wolfhound pigdogs here in OZ and are very common. i have not heard of any purebreds used for hunting and from what i have seen would definitely not be suitable for coursing
  8. That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen
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