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Everything posted by Silversnake

  1. I have owned deer xs and bull xs and they are totally different beasts as has been stated this whole thread. I think part of the problem is bull xs look too impressive so idiots mistake looks for performance and claim their dog is a great worker. Do not mistake that a bit of good bull puts hardness and determination (gameness if you like) that you cannot get from deer xs and the deer xs offer speed, height, coat you cannot get from bull xs. There are also some very good mixes of deer and bull out there...
  2. I miss once in a while, once a week sounds too much. I think a bit of starvation is good for all of us. I do occasionally have a day off myself. The main reason I miss with the dogs is to replicate nature. In the wild dogs regularly go without food often for days. I would not run them hard if I missed a day though.
  3. Great pics rocket Ronnie and awesome looking animals.atb.
  4. I give mine approx 4 weeks off from the time I notice they're coming on with 2 weeks of that not even walking themand gradually work them harder the second 2 weeks. Even after 4 weeks I don't just smash them out into a massive all night/day killing spree. My bitches seem flat and to lose a bit of condition when they are in season so I give them a little holiday wether they like it or not.
  5. il tell you what I was taught, there no such thing as a bad dogAnd hope you never get one
  6. you did say 'no such thing as a problem saluki' which i imagine encompasses salukis that have bitten someone. i have next to no experience with salukis and don't condone giving up on them but even you must have a point where you would give up. i don't mean to sound smart really i am just trying to make the lad feel a bit better IF he makes the hard choice of giving up on his dog which he clearly would rather the dog was more manageable. atb.
  7. i like the theory that no dog is untrainable but i think some romanticise it a bit on here. The reality is that everyone has a breaking point where they will give up and everyones breaking point is different. i don't mean to sound dramatic but who would keep a dog that bit their child on the face or killed livestock, are you going to try to train your saluki not to bite your daughters face again? i do not agree with cowboys or cruelty but i also do not believe that with a working dog you are committed for life regardless of how the dog performs/behaves. i hope one day i can become so good i ca
  8. On paper sounds like it should do big ears but there are a million other variables you will have to work out yourself eg parents history, size, ability, how old is the animal, how is its personality, etc, etc... I would not rush into buying a dog unless you were absolutely sure. Atb.
  9. Accip74, That's an important question. In french we have a proverb like this "to live happy, live hidden". True or false ? This is a permanent debate among french hunting organisations. The hate of anti is so strong, they will do everything to kill you, even hidden. It's a matter of religion for them. If you don't show who you are, what you do in a fair way, anti will stay free to tell awful and stupid arguments. If I just want hunt for few seasons for my old days, I can stay hidden. If I want my sons could teach to my grandchildren - and further more - how to hunt badgers with do
  10. Is it still friendly banter? It is clear northern likes to wind you up gaz and he has some success. I would love to buy you both a beer but definitely not at the same time. Lol
  11. You may not be a poet northern but you are entertaining! If you are ever in oz I would buy you a beer
  12. I bet Colby was a very experienced dog man before he even considered that with precise knowledge of his line which was heavily line bred. These Muppets on facebook can't be spoken in the same breath as someone like Colby. I am not referring to Hancock as I know nothing about him or his dogs
  13. Nice one gaz, anyone else got any. I am sure there is a bit of poet in us all, except maybe northern...
  14. I have read that one before, not a northern original but fine words nonetheless
  15. He definitely shouldnt be thinking of breeding a ten month old pup, clearly a tosser
  16. That is some crazy sh%t. I think gaz clearly has you covered for poetry north! In fact your poems are the worst I've ever read but I suspect you are handicapped by a bellyful!
  17. thanks for the feedback, northernlite must be referring to me not walter as he does sound witty
  18. i really like this cross, i love the photos jord m. if you british keep producing these dogs and line breeding them you will soon have a superbreed if you don't already. some of the dogs i have seen on thl are very impressive! if they perform even close to as good as they look they must truly be a sight to behold. there are some fine animals here in oz but not nearly in the numbers you have over there. i am jealous! please post more photos i would love to see.
  19. thought i would share a poem i wrote, i hope it is in the right section. THE LURCHER, what a truly magificent animal is the lurcher, my favorite animal to love, develop and nurture, from a silly pup to a streamlined speed machine a good one in full flight is my favorite scene how is it that something so fun also fills my pot and a better form of pest control i know not there is no better way to enjoy the great outdoors than with a free running lurcher that i adore and when the chase is on words cannot describe the thrill, how can i explain the joy and the heavy heart when they ma
  20. Thanks for sharing, good bitch and a good night out.
  21. Beautiful animals, this cross sounds like a fast powerful mix, I personally would like a bit of saluki in there though. Atb.
  22. I agree 100% with skycat, the early bond is of utmost importance and not taking any s%#t at all right from the start, and I don't mean beating a dog, the dogs I have gotten rid of have definitely been my fault in starting too young or lack of discipline. It is important to learn from your mistakes. In saying that I have owned one extremely difficult German short haired pointer that I would like to see the person who could have trained that ba@$*rd!
  23. I do feel for you, I have run out of patience with dogs before and it is never the goal to put your love, time, effort and money into a dog to get rid of it but harsh as it may be there are dogs out there that will bond with you (immediately sometimes) and life is too short to waste being frustrated unnecessarily. I hope you and your dog are happy with whatever decision you make and better luck for the future.
  24. I obviously can't help you from Australia, but I wish you all the best and I am impressed at the tasks your beddy x whippet can do and the care you give your dogs. I hope it all works out for you.
  25. Kangaroos and wombats are a native species and protected, you can get a license to shoot and harvest kangaroos, but to use dogs is highly illegal. Wombats I don't see much use in hunting them except pest control, their holes can cause major problems for vehicles and even structures but I would not want to harvest them and I have never heard of it being done.
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