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Everything posted by Silversnake

  1. YES British Columbia has alot of anti pressure with a lot of major organizations set up to stop hunting. It is really unfortunate .. As for the the most hunt friendly state in the US I am not sure as I am from Canada My apologies I am yet to travel to USA, south America or Canada, hence my ignorance of where British Columbia is. I have known enough Canadians to know not to confuse one with an American. Atvb with the competition and I will try to give you another vote.
  2. I haven't followed heavyweights for a long time but fury sure seems confident. He is deserved underdog but I sniff an upset here
  3. A shame to hear you have to suffer antis where you are from, which states would you say are the most hunt friendly in USA?
  4. I cant argue history, however I would argue that I cant be just as good of a hunter as a man, Also my father had "to make the best of a bad job and teach a daughter" ... my father is an outfitter and has taught me lots about hunting in addition no man in my life treats me any different as a hunter just because I am a women. I work just as hard at it as a male. I am not a feminist (far from it) but I dont believe in stating women "should keep a decent providing man happy", I feel she should keep him happy and be at his side. AND I am actually the one who has put meat on the table for the pas
  5. All I can say is brace yourselves, it might not amount to anything but as they say 'hope for the best, expect the worst...'
  6. I hope some positives come out of this, the laws really are ridiculous over there and a 'check' is well overdue. Hopefully this is the first of many 'checks'
  7. The British are super strong with intelligence and international influence. It is almost like the powers that be since thatcher have intentionally tried to humiliate and shame the native Brit, who is an intelligent and hard-working citizen into submission. I hope a race of people with the history and abilities you have, not to mention the military capabilities, do not accept this rot.
  8. I have had 'relations' with more than one muslim women. One told me there was nothing harom (bad according to the Koran) as long as she didn't marry me. She claimed the rules enforced on women by muslims is mens interpretation of the Koran and she had her own beliefs. I certainly prefer her interpretation to the fanatics who commit atrocities in their own twisted ideals
  9. It doesn't matter how long it has been predicted or who has said what, what matters is doing something to stop the rot. These people are unified, violent, desperate, feel they have the moral high ground, destructive and racially motivated. Imagine yourself as one man or woman pumped up with these emotions and how hard you would be to stop. Times this by hundreds or sometimes thousands, this is happening in multiple places in Europe and the world. This is what we are faced with! Are you scared? I am, am I going to accept my sons and daughters to cop my weakness and negligence? F#CK NO! This is
  10. I would say Alvarez will be too strong, 8th round TKO in a tough war
  11. My cousin owned a bullmastiff x wolfhound. The man who bred it had been using the same line for 30 odd years only on pigs and it was HUGE! It was like a locomotive with huge strides and could run and it hit quarry extremely hard. Unfortunately he couldn't stop it smashing kangaroos and emus and he got rid of it. I know someone who owns his progeny and they are quite handy pig dogs but don't have the same running style as the father and are heavier and slower. A lot of people over here use wolfhound in their lurchers but personally I prefer smaller, faster and more agile dogs. Obviously this is
  12. My missus hasn't worked a day since my first child was born. When they are all in school she will be back at it.
  13. That is shocking stuff Shepp, really makes my blood boil. The evidence is so plain for anybody to see. I really hope people can wake up before it is too late...
  14. Beautiful looking pup, I always enjoy and envy your pictures. Man and dog(s) are clearly going to have a lot of fun. Atvb.
  15. Without trying to sound like Rambo, I genuinely think the average British person is being way underestimated. I like to hear this kind of defiance and fight in my fellow man. If it comes to out and out battle I hope victory is yours or you bravely fight to your last dying breath. Haha you boys have given me some inspiration.
  16. I just don't understand the apologists. What will it take to learn MUSLIMS DON'T ASSIMILATE. There are some fine muslim people out there, intelligent, educated, witty etc I have some very good friends who are muslims and I like them very much. I also tell them the problems they cause which is a long list and the muslims who are my friends can see my points because they are UNDENIABLE! The question I ask the apologists is what will it take to learn large communities of Muslims is only going to cause problems for the existing non muslim people. The same problems are happening everywhere in the w
  17. RIP Diesel what a noble looking animal he was too
  18. It probably means what it says Muslims.......ISIS is just one of the many Muslim groups Al Qaeda is another All are made up of Muslims from all over the world fighting to force their ideology on others IRA was totally different How? Dont think they were exactly the same thats obvious but enough similarities to make a good comparison.After all were they not Catholics fighting to be a Catholic country in a protestant one, don't think there were many protestants members of the IRA.. Catholics and protestants shared a common language, food, culture and DNA compared to the muslims me
  19. My cousin was at the stadium that night with his young son and was locked in there until 2am and my uncle and aunty could hear the bombing and gunfire from their unit. When we could not get through to them by phone and no response to emails I feared the worst... Thankfully all was ok the same can't be said for the 129 victims RIP
  20. Lovely people. Did they just boo a minutes silence? Yes they did. The lowest of the low. ( censored ) The Irish clapped and cheered to drown out the the Bosnians when they started booing. I think the irish won out there, but the irish seem to always come away with the win cheeky ba$tards!
  21. I don't think English hate Muslims mate,Muslims seem to get a great run over there. There is no way any other religion would get away with the things Muslims get away with in non muslim countries whatever the democratic rights are except maybe Indonesia but even there you would want to be careful in most places.
  22. Just read that the owner of this business was arrested for being racist. SERIOUSLY! Maybe she was emotional but who can blame her? What is going on in UK? I guarantee that would not happen here in Oz. If anyone can support the lady. PLEASE DO!
  23. It probably means what it says Muslims.......ISIS is just one of the many Muslim groups Al Qaeda is another All are made up of Muslims from all over the world fighting to force their ideology on others IRA was totally different How? Dont think they were exactly the same thats obvious but enough similarities to make a good comparison.After all were they not Catholics fighting to be a Catholic country in a protestant one, don't think there were many protestants members of the IRA.. Catholics and protestants shared a common language, food, culture and DNA compared to the muslims me
  24. I most certainly agree with this comment and I think a certain and inevitable change is coming for the better, not just for Europe but for the planet. That is just me though, always positive, most of the time anyway. if I am wrong well I am not even a blip on histories radar anyway...
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