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Everything posted by Silversnake

  1. I personally like these kind of things. I understand the theory that these are outdated, barbaric, etc traditions and to advance as a species we have to put a stop to these sort of things but this thinking is ideological nonsense with no limit to its targets and an impossible outcome. Even if we all become gentle vegetarians there will still be cruelty beyond our control occurring everywhere, everyday in nature. Have even hunters lost sight of the fact that as advanced as we are we are still part of natures brutal cycle with instincts, traditions and habits which are expressed in different way
  2. I couldn't do it, maybe with unlimited diesel and .22 bullets (as a minimum) i could live happily ever after...
  3. Is this for real???
  4. for fucks sake. you Mods need a like button. that's about the hundreth time I have agreed with your political standpoint regarding the referendum l.Yes Walshie has many likes from me lately maybe he should get into politics, i hear there is a vacancy coming up.Walshie for PM?He's got my vote. Forget Walshie, only one man gets my vote for PM f****n' hell that made me laugh I cant wait to show the missus that when she gets home from work. He's clearly the best man for the job First post i have liked from you bgdIn this life anything is possible. Newsflash..... Silversnake is now a
  5. In that second picture is the great razor being coursed by a rabbit???
  6. for fucks sake. you Mods need a like button. that's about the hundreth time I have agreed with your political standpoint regarding the referendum l.Yes Walshie has many likes from me lately maybe he should get into politics, i hear there is a vacancy coming up.Walshie for PM? He's got my vote. Forget Walshie, only one man gets my vote for PM f****n' hell that made me laugh I cant wait to show the missus that when she gets home from work. He's clearly the best man for the job First post i have liked from you bgd
  7. Good on you green lurchers it is an event worth celebrating, regardless of the hour lol
  8. It is called common sense the same issues are happening in many places around the world and my insights are far from unique, if somehow you don't realise it yet you will soon.
  9. It's a simple fact that nothing has changed automatically because of Brexit regarding human rights, sorry if that offends you. As for the likelihood of things changing and the constituitional/political ramifications of that well I think I'd know more about that than some fool from the other side of the world. None of the main parties have any interest in changing the bulk of the HRA, there's just a few fringe Tories that would like to get rid of the association with the ECHR while keeping all the same rights in a British Bill of Rights. As for my "insignificant extisence" well we all l
  10. Keep hanging on to that thread bgd... Changes are coming and your insignificant existence is coming along for the ride
  11. for fucks sake. you Mods need a like button. that's about the hundreth time I have agreed with your political standpoint regarding the referendum l.Yes Walshie has many likes from me lately maybe he should get into politics, i hear there is a vacancy coming up.
  12. That is some photo, you deserve to be proud of that little man. Atvb.
  13. I disagree, the working immigrants in the UK are contributing to our nation. Why the fcuk should they be punished??Obviously our own people should be given first dibs on jobs but we all know how lazy a lot of Brits are when it comes to work. My best friend is Hungarian - been here 10 years, worked from day 1, paid his taxes, never claimed a penny back and has done well for himself. Why should he be penalised in any way ? That is the kind of ethic we should be trying to instill in our youngsters ! why will he be punished, your just making stupid leftie statements, England is an island of migra
  14. Also don't forget farage has exponentially increased his influence with this victoryI thought this referendum was about taking influence and control away from unelected people? Your usual style of manipulitive bull$hit
  15. Why would there be, what's changed since the referendum that would make that easier or moof likely to happen? Mainly just a shift in attitude and an overdue realisation that enough is enough i would say Is this result proof of some kind of shift in attitude towards immigration though? It's always been a big issue for certain sections of the electorate but this wasn't a referendum on immigration it was a referendum on the EU and 52% of the British public voted to leave for a variety of reasons. The heads of the leave campaign repeatedly stated that they were infact pro-immigration and we've
  16. Also don't forget farage has exponentially increased his influence with this victory
  17. Why would there be, what's changed since the referendum that would make that easier or moof likely to happen? Mainly just a shift in attitude and an overdue realisation that enough is enough i would say Is this result proof of some kind of shift in attitude towards immigration though? It's always been a big issue for certain sections of the electorate but this wasn't a referendum on immigration it was a referendum on the EU and 52% of the British public voted to leave for a variety of reasons. The heads of the leave campaign repeatedly stated that they were infact pro-immigration and we've
  18. Why would there be, what's changed since the referendum that would make that easier or more likely to happen? Mainly just a shift in attitude and an overdue realisation that enough is enough i would say
  19. That sort of thing will always go on, pretty much all predators train their young that way. I would like to say that as humans we are above that sort of cruelty but it goes on and it always will from what i have seen in numerous places around the world. Sad but true...
  20. Sorry to hear he isn't doing well mate, for some reason he has always stood out to me despite there are numerous magnificent looking running dogs on here. I will follow this thread just to see photos of an exceptional animal and i wish you and razor atvb.
  21. I hope this is a turning point for Britain and the rest of the world. I am sure there will be tough times ahead but i am more certain that people are waking up from a LONG slumber and the future looks a whole lot brighter to me. Congratulations!!! but please be ready for the tough times and remember the enemy of your enemy is your friend.
  22. Ahh, but as I have said before mate.....it's only your ordinary Joe Soap who is playing by the f***ing rules Politics has not been very civilised to the people it's meant to represent, it's treated them like complete shit actually. It is also a problem when all the options (civilised democrats ffs)are greedy corrupt puppets that deserve to be gunned down in the streets.IdiotA very profound response rusty dogJust was yours saying an innocent mother deserved to die. PoSOh now i understand you think i was supporting the murder of Jo cox, i have to inform you i was not referring to this and i har
  23. Well done gaz, you have a real nice looking family and atvb for the big day, at least from the neck down you will look the part lol
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