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Everything posted by Silversnake

  1. How many are being covered up you mean/.........you can bet your bottom dollar theres one hell of a cover up to keep things on the low down........shows you how little these politcians care about the people....They can only cover for so long, hopefully not too many more innocent people get caught up in this mess before the dogs of war are properly unleashed. When it happens the mess will be cleaned up very quickly...
  2. So good it's sold under about 50 different names in Amsterdam so are all strains that why there's loads of different seed banks,you can get say a blue cheese seed from barnys farm an one from green house seeds an there not the same when grown That's because there's 100s of different phenotypes in every strain. Wrong,there arent 100's of different pheno's in a strain,it wouldnt be a stabilised strain if there were,check out the defenition of the word strain,it hasnt got that much diversity,an f1 strain has 4 main pheno types. Lol, maybe if it's a straight hybrid of two of old stabilised st
  3. Yeh I've seen a lot of Pacific Islanders cook that way on programs,,like Ray mears they cook a whole rake of stuff in the pit along with the pig .i recon its just a very efficiant way of cooking a whole feast in one hit ,i recon it comes from the days when they cooked stuff on the hot volcanic rocks instead of an open fire ,, The kiwi's call it a hungi and it is very tasty and healthy. I saw a Luke Nguyen (Aussie Vietnamese chef) cooking show visiting a British property cooking venison hungi style. Looked like a great feed too. They had a nice Steyr elite .308 i think, and did some targ
  4. This is true tomo, most here have fancy, super expensive gassy things that wouldn't fit on a mack truck, but rest assured we aren't all so civilised and taste illiterate. Many of us use a Webber (my personal choice for roasting beasts)which char grills just about as good as anything. There are times a few rocks some hardwood and a grill has resulted in some of the finest feeds I have ever eaten. I am also happy to hear from a friend who owns a BBQ shop the best sellers these days are woodfired ovens and charcoal fuelled slow cookers. I have noticed a worrying trend of Aussies trying to pretend
  5. I am thinking beef ribs (called asado here I think is Argentinian name originally) over hot coals for dinner tonight.
  6. There should be a comp for what BDG stands for....we've hadBig Gay Dave Bob Geldofs Donkey bobs dick gloveBigoted grovelling d!ckhead
  7. I can actually imagine Trump,Putin and Le Pen coming to an agreement over this idea. You don't think May and Merkel would join the party? Lol. I think Poland, Hungary, Greece, Sweden, Norway and probably a few more would all support if it went to a vote from the people. I cannot say that I agree though, other than the death and suffering it would also mean tens of millions of refugees. The current problems would pale in significance...
  8. Who knows at this stage, it could be some people with a twisted ideology not necessarily right wing or anti muslim. Could even be white converts, converts always try harder as it's put on them they have something to prove either from themselves or others.Or somebody who has mental health issues. Who knows but I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. "Or somebody who has a mental health issues " ......He /them have defiantly got mental health issues mate . Any one who can stand there and shoot men women kids for what ever reason they deem appropriate has defiantly got a fcuking serious mental heal
  9. seriously though.. that opening the third eye is one of the reasons its been banned historically, somewhere ive got an old phsychadelic Timothy Leary speechavet to Jimi Hendrix playing away and he bangs on about the u.s. government having big problems with the war in Vietnam as the soldiers didnt want to fight coz they was smokin da weed. Main reason it's banned is nothing to do with the effects you get by consuming it. The very rich and powerful cotton industry in America back in the early 1900's was to blame. Its because hemp can do so much more than cotton, so they lobbied the US governme
  10. If it is right wing extremists like brevik I consider them even lower than Islamic terrorists. Why would you target your own clan? What the hell is that going to achieve? Regardless of who is responsible for this particular attack I think islam should be banned in non muslim countries and those who insist on practicing deported without mercy. RIP to the latest innocent victims.
  11. I think there's a lot more....... THL= THE HAMMERED LIFE!
  12. Honestly my only real concern is kids taking it up, there's kids barely in their teens up and down the country puffing away all day every day and God knows what sort of effect it's having on their developing brains Obviously any health concerns over cannabis pale into insignificance when compared to alcohol though and it's only real chronic use which is a concern whereas alcohol can always be dangerous if you're not careful... forget the brain mate, its the lungs they need to worry about deff. i used to do cigs, and the odd joint but in main cigs, i ve stopped 25 years now, but have
  13. That cystinuria does not sound like fun at all. If weed helps, puff away brother. If I had some chronic issue and pot helped I would grow some real nice organic bud and I would smoke at my leisure. I heard that England allowed medicinal use for marijuana, have those laws changed? Or was I misinformed? I am on my phone and can't see locations so if you aren't in England forgive my ignorance.
  14. I have researched the uses of hemp a little, the great book of hemp by Rowan Robinson is a great eye opener, and there is no way marijuana should be illegal IMHO. The uses seem to be unlimited and getting high is one of the least important properties of this INCREDIBLE plant. I have smoked a few spliffs and it has certainty enhanced the experience of music, movies, food and especially good company (a few ladies spring to mind) but I have seen people who smoke too much and it is no benefit to their or especially their families life. However do not see this as justification to ban it AT ALL. In
  15. I thought that was fake until he $hat himself. Hahaha.
  16. I'm on between a half ounce and an ounce a week at the moment and honestly really should cut down, doing anything to that sort of excess isn't good for you. Still rather a heavy green habit to drink though in terms of damage to your body and mind. That explains ALOT. I respect your honesty but I would seriously start some activities that distract you from smoking pot. I know many people who smoke similar amounts and it is never physically or mentally healthy.
  17. and then argue for hours about meaningless technicalities and when it all becomes too ridiculous make sure you get the last word and claim victory... Apologist lefties! We should genocide the lot of them lol
  18. What??? So I am not even guilty of ethnic cleansing now? Wait until bgd hears about this! Lol
  19. I have no doubt about it, I tell no lie when I say I have and have had many muslim friends, I know of bonding, pride, courage and audacity in muslims, I have also experienced and seen the bullying, corruption, stupidity, discrimination, lies, filth, crime and unjustified violence of muslims. It is not without thought or a heavy heart that I have ever spoken a bad word about muslims but this is my experience and my truth and I wish it was not so but I want islam far far away from me. Nothing personal to you or any other individual muslim.
  20. I see little chance of world peace, with or without Trump or hillary. As I have said my separation talk is merely internet dreaming of peace but definitely not realistic.
  21. I could not agree more, though I do wish we could all just get along, it is not happening...
  22. Max there is always a cause or underlying factors for any problem. Before the West took it on itself to introduce Democracy to the Middle East by Gulf wars 1 and 2, invading Afghanistan Syria Lybia Iraq, removing sovereign Governments, good or bad they were Sovereign Governments Starting the Arab spring uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt by funding the over throw of their sovereign Governments . Is it any wonder retaliation takes place, ? The British people as far as I am aware voted NOT to invade the Foreign Sovereign states but the Democratically elected Government decided to ignore its own el
  23. Max there is always a cause or underlying factors for any problem.Before the West took it on itself to introduce Democracy to the Middle East by Gulf wars 1 and 2, invading Afghanistan Syria Lybia Iraq, removing sovereign Governments, good or bad they were Sovereign Governments Starting the Arab spring uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt by funding the over throw of their sovereign Governments . Is it any wonder retaliation takes place, ? The British people as far as I am aware voted NOT to invade the Foreign Sovereign states but the Democratically elected Government decided to ignore its own elec
  24. Good points max, you reminded me of a point I have meant to add but I keep forgetting after reading some of the posts on here, while I have been accused of genocidal tendencies and being an ethnic cleanser (for want of a better word) the truth is I think separation would be the least bloody option. Actually ghandi had the same idea and is the reason Pakistan separated from India and probably subconsciously inspired me as I have known this piece of history for sometime. Was ghandi a genocidal maniac or ethnic cleanser? I do fear the alternative to separation would be a far bloodier and messier
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