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Everything posted by Trampas

  1. Was going say the same.Why a dog so good get pasted about so much???money need i say more i seen the dog work on numerous ocashions he was as game as theycome but he wasnt the fasted dog in the world i would have classed him more of a dog for holes jmo. for the life of me I really can't see how pulling something thats outweighed by 3to1 can be classed as a test of gameness.What's gameness to you???? id be very interested in hearing your version of gameness
  2. wouldnt give you 2d for the both them. but that just my opinion
  3. littles better than nothingAnother name lol there no shame in the touts on here icey they grass on ya doing the double
  4. Plenty about the day. OLE Turf ears was still half drunk from st.patricks day he was on the patcheen. good hunt tho. only seen 3 on sunday an 2 them got bagged
  5. i seen the litter brother run down south and stop 2/2 as a youngster and very impressive he was as well but he got killed not long after .that mike is proving to be a very good stocker brookie jimmy is prob the only one ireland to have a pups of both mike and max, an i hear there a litter on the ground down his way of the red an white dog you sent over
  6. no runs on hares big e ,like to see them run about here, plenty about at min, prob not as many as you think TK
  7. what produces the better pups when mated to a lurcher a friend here saying you get better results of a saluki bitch
  8. Warm water an the battery job it sounds like your strimming a hedge if you use cold
  9. she was as entertaining as old jack Hargreaves RIP
  10. Which is why i wont breeding from mine. I don't think that's the case I bred of a nervy bitch an all the pups were forward not a nerve in them.
  11. can you use frosted hens for muling
  12. breeding season will have started by the time i get a place set up but i would still hope to breed before end season
  13. anyone know what a pair lutino greenies cost
  14. some these new coloured canaries are as nice as any mule
  15. never seen a brambling in the wild nice bird all the same
  16. trampas here im into all fieldsports lurchers ferreting a bit rough shooting an hoping to get back in to cagebirds as soon as i get my new pad
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