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Everything posted by iwm

  1. well said I dont like most fookers and only my own company. I live in a city (sheffield) and dont go into the city centre at all (12 years) Could need a little help myself !!!!!.
  2. I had some new permission about 2 years ago and i asked a friend of mine to give me a hand to knock down the rabbit numbers over the first few days. I had asked the farmer to let the land owners of the farms bordering his land that we would be working the hedges on the lane between the farms. On the second day one of the other farmers asked me to call in and see him the following weekend to take a look at the rat problem in the barns.Then driving past two days later just to check out the rabbits, who should i see but the so called friend walking in the farm yard with air rifle in hand. Of cou
  3. trapping and dogs will become a bigger part of pest control. Most pest controllers keep dogs and use them already but try taking a dog into a food outlet !!!!! iwm
  4. www.nationallurcherclub.co,uk are running events over the weekend try the web site for details/start times etc.
  5. looking for somewhere to go this weekend, is Thoresby country fair any good ????. iwm.
  6. can you save the waste from some sites and maybe use it to burrow bait on another site ???
  7. It took 12 months for my dog to master jumping fences. just give him time. He now clears the sofa when he sees the ferret boxes coming out of the shed.
  8. I am looking for a good heavy duty electric mincer to mince chicken rabbit duck etc for my dogs. any ideas on good makes ??? THANKS IWM.
  9. OK! check the traps daily if no rodent activity change to none toxic baits if you find a problem bait the area in lockable bait stations not forgetting paperwork for folder 35 day rule etc.sorry i thought the post was about trying to keep the client of an ongoing pest control contract with some knowledge of trapping etc. (first few posts lesson learned).
  10. looking forward to some interesting comments and photos. Thanks IWM.
  11. you should offer a rodent and mole contract this gives you contact with the client every 6 weeks and if you use breakbacks in lockable bait stations you can check for moles on your routine rodent visit. iwm.
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