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About Freshdigger

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. what is the advantage of the two piece shovel ? Is it that its easier to carry or can you get other type spade heads made up that screw onto it ? Atb FreshDigger
  2. I have used them through the years great dog to break cover but it can be very difficult to get a barking one.
  3. Dirty scum. Didnt hear of dogs been taken in a good while. Hopefully they will turn up.
  4. I seen a lad on here last season who made up a few 2 piece bulldog shovels and gifted them out , he said if they worked out okay he was going to make some to sell
  5. Very nice dogs shovel shy. The 3rd terrier is a real nice blocky type havent seen many of those about in recent years.
  6. Good offer for someone fair play marshman
  7. He looks a real nice dog scarface. What way was he bred ?
  8. Very rare to come across,definitely would have that stuffed
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