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About T78

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 30/03/1978

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  • Interests
    running dogs,ferrets and shooting.

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  1. i use an abu cardinal 404 for my lure fishing,can't fault it.
  2. T78

    Daily mail

    those aren't terriers. and i didn't say it wasn't dug at some point in that day but not by us(there are absolutely NO pics of any of us digging,no eveidence was given to prove we did dig nor was any digging gear recovered when we were arrested.). as soon as it became apparent what had happened the badger was put out of it's misery. anyway,i've said too much already so that will be the last i'll say on it.
  3. T78

    Daily mail

    put 2 posts up then my comp froze and they went anyway it was along the lines of mb being an anti .. I don't think he is an anti, he is just saying that when people go out and kill badgers then it creates a lot of bad press for hunting in general because the fact is the public have a very bias opinion towards badgers. The last thing anyone wants is to give antis ways of swaying public opinion until eventually you will be jailed if your dog scowls at a bunny. Personally I don't think hunting a few badgers is wrong, but baiting is not hunting and I find it f*****g disgusting. A badge
  4. T78

    Daily mail

    oh,that's mr barclay. well,if he wants my address,all he has to do is pm me....
  5. must be because i never waste the ribcage...
  6. T78

    Daily mail

    dont let Mr Barclay find out where you live fella! who the feck is mr barclay??
  7. T78

    Daily mail

    just seen this and would like to say that i was one of the ones jailed(even though the judge said she believed "that i nor my dog took any part in the events that unfolded" lol.) the police were on a witch hunt with this case,witnesses and police alike lied on the stand,the judge had made her mind up before even hearing the defence evidence. all in all,a joke and a kangaroo court. one of the lads is getting death threats and excrement put through his door(and getting called a coward on anti sites for calling the police,imo it's the antis that are the cowards by doing they're dirty work by m
  8. still for sale...will take 55 posted recorded,no offers. http://www.thehuntin...ce-striker-170/
  9. pm'd you mate but your inbox is full.empty it or pm me. cheers
  10. lamp,amber filter and original deben 6/12 volt charger. has had plugs changed for better ones(will include male and female connecters so can be wired to own battery) all in good condition. 65 posted or 60 picked up from york.
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