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About stupot123

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    west midlands
  1. tell you the truth i might I wait till she is properly out it's day 15 today so not long left really to wait
  2. my saluki x whippet is nearly out of season [BANNED TEXT] would it be ok to start running her again
  3. fuggytail I sure do [BANNED TEXT]
  4. that's what I thought rex26 let the pup watch an experience dog on the lamp 1st so it has a idea what to do thanks alot for your help every1
  5. will they be on ebay if not were wud I get sum from thanks for the reply
  6. tell u the truth lads I ave being going lamping with a friend of mine to show me the ropes but every bit of info is greatful
  7. what age would you start a pup on the lamp or depends what cross it his
  8. what is the best cross to get for a beginner to go lamping with would u say pup or older experience dog
  9. hi all is there any good lamping dvds on the market as I am a beginner to hunting
  10. hi to all new member love lamping rabbits from west midlands
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