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Everything posted by KirstyA

  1. She's a cracking little terrier good luck with her!
  2. There's so many good and bad reports on them some say they have heart attacks while underground and others say they can't fault them. I'm not sure about the kennels in Norfolk will never know how close bred they are with them seeming to be the only breeders in the UK. And those kennels I'm sure will want more money than what they are imported for. Thanks for all the replys
  3. I've searched the Internet high and low but can't seem to find any breeder in this country. Do you know who it was that posted the dogs for sale? I've looked in for sake but nothing. Thanks
  4. I'm trying to find a jagd terrier breeder in the UK, these look like hardy dogs from what I've seen and read. Does anyone know of any contacts in the UK and what's your opinion on them, thanks
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