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Everything posted by Nick3439

  1. I use a small hand axe for loads of stuff that I carry with me; it's dead useful; I use the flat backside of it often for birds; would work on rabbits too; and then you can use the axe side for lopping off feet/head when gutting the thing (if you do it outside)
  2. I'm after a SBS 3" Chambered folding .410; I know Parkemy do one. Cash waiting. Must have good bore, no pitting and no cracks in the wood; but does not need to be immaculate.
  3. Definitely not adrenal gland disease? I had a job that lost loads of hair and it was that
  4. Some people just don't have the same standards or morals as others; I don't have an issue with ferrets being kept as pets; it's definitely the best of a bad situation
  5. I shouldn't moan but my Jill has just been jabbed (last week) and she seems out of sorts; she was up until the jabs pretty skittish/high energy compared to my neutered hob; now she seems docile and placid; far more relaxed than him; other than that she seems well; clear eyes, stools are fine and she's eating and drinking fine. Is this due to the jab? Hormones etc; or unrelated. Would you be concerned
  6. Awesome! Now they should all start popping up!
  7. Nick3439


    You gotta kinda assume he's been accused of breaking it?
  8. I converted a shed into a ferret court removed all 3 windows and replaced in welded mesh. Listen to all here and use mesh
  9. Nick3439

    Tv Licence

    I had them come to the house once. They refused to believe I didn't have a TV. When I convinced them I didn't by showing them; they said they would be checking regularly. I explained that I'd be less than impressed and would evict them from my front garden. With force. Not been since....
  10. He's hilarious, David Thorne; I've got both his books... All of them are found here http://www.27bslash6.com
  11. I just Dab a blob of red paint on the top of my pegs; so I can tell them apart from my mates who dabs a blob of blue. Simples.
  12. Shame you can't get a 'vasectomised' jill so the intact hob can bang away without risk of kits lol
  13. Wouldn't fancy having to dig in a graveyard
  14. http://www.woodland-ways.co.uk/buy-online-white-tan-bath-system-home-tanning-kit-623.html
  15. She covers them in salt; folds them in 1/2 leaves them for a few days; then takes a knife and 'fleshes them' then she uses this white tan stuff she bought; then she rubs them down with a stone to make them soft and pliable
  16. Funny you should say that about butter; I read this thread just before taking my Jill to get a jab; and the Vet distracted her with some butter....
  17. I keep the pelts; the wife tans them; she's not made anything with them but she clearly has a 'plan'
  18. Or draw the nail over a bar of soap
  19. You can usually see the quick; just a bit longer than that; on the back ones it's harder so I just take the 'point' of them..
  20. When I was growing up; my dad would have given me an absolute hiding if I'd shot a hare or jay when out rough shooting "It can't be a f*cking pest if you never see them!" Was what he used to say; his arguement is a valid one; just cos it's on a list doesn't mean it's ok everywhere; near me; I see more red kites than hares or jays. In fact; I can't remember the last time I saw a hare.
  21. Wait for a month or two and people will be trying to get rid of kits hand over fist
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