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Everything posted by Nick3439

  1. See them often on eBay... Search ferret finder and they usually pop up too
  2. Bruce; if it is what I suspect you may want to tell any other people you've ferreted with to have there ferrets tested... It costs £15 so doesn't break the bank. Obvious disease/viral control on your cages/court with large quantities of bleach before you get more.... Again gutted for you.
  3. http://www.smallanimalchannel.com/ferrets/ferret-health/emerging-disease-ferret-fip.aspx And so sorry to hear that
  4. There's loads more; I'll send a link in case the fb link doesn't work
  5. https://www.(!64.56:886/permalink.php?story_fbid=749277378454464&id=559858600729677 Ferret Coronavirus?
  6. I'm going to try and dig it out but a ferret rescue I had on fb had a similar thing and it's a ferret disease doing the rounds... Hang on let me find the link!
  7. It's all I thought there was! I now have hundreds just sitting there doing nothing as I hate them so much!!! It's weird I never really thought to connect Google to my past times as they didn't seem to go together! Crazy. I've been doing so many things 'the long' or 'hard way' for so long; reading through here has produced loads of 'life hacks'
  8. Thanks ever so much! Explains it nicely!
  9. So; the 'mentor' I had growing up basically told me not to use ferrets for rats. So I didn't. Being 10years old until 15 I didn't ask why just cracked on with learning all sorts of other bits and tricks. My mentor alas has long since died and I tend to work ferrets alone and shoot with people who learnt from the same man or with less experience than myself. So. My question. Why was he so anti it? I've read in a few books that it can take the 'fight' out of a ferret and I suppose the disease risk too; but is that it? So the reason for the question. Someone has asked me to clear
  10. Bought some spun poly off here last year for the past 18 years ive been battling with those God awful Bisley things. I Can't believe I tolerated them for so long! The Internet is a wonderful thing!
  11. Charlie; I completly agree; except I do change between 3/4 1/2 and 1/4 depending on what/where I'm shooting. I imagine if the barrels were 1/2 and 1/2 I could make do...
  12. Are they pretty basic; name, "ferreting" number or what?
  13. Two spools of twine, a 100 rings and a spool of drawcord will set you back around £40 if I remember. You should get at least 25 nets out of that, and that £40 is much less than you would pay for 25 decent 4ft nets. So to me, thats good value if your making, not selling, but then theres your time to factor. And that answers my question!
  14. Card? Is it your business or you just Palm them around to get more permissions?
  15. Is the bettinsoli multi choke? I have a franchi semi
  16. Ruggers; once you've bought the materials how many nets before it's good value (don't know if that makes sense)
  17. Just wore out my boots; haven't owned a set of wellies since I was a kid.... Before I replace my boots; I thought I'd ask people which they prefer and why?
  18. I work a few golf courses, and get them to email me what they want. I use that as 'proof' if needed. Then start of each season I fire them a quick email asking if they want me to continue; they reply with a yes and I keep that too. This is on top of the traditional verbal stuff; but with iPhones accessing emails it means I can access all my permissions if needed anywhere.
  19. Where abouts you live? You can come out with me if you like; you'll learn loads in one outing. Go out with a few of you can, everyone has there own ways of doing stuff.
  20. Last season my ferrets ran through a 'tick Bomb' never seen anything like it; Bob Martin now do Fipronil in there deflea stuff in the supermarkets. I use a pippette a month during working season and that beaphor stuff for lice and mites. Don't bother when they aren't working.... Some great advice I got off here I now religiously do; is give there fur a little inspection when they come out the warrens you'll find the odd tick climbing 'in' on the guard hairs which you can brush off before they get to the skin.... Saves even more bother!
  21. I have a separate ammo lock box I don't need anymore if that helps
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