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Everything posted by Nick3439

  1. Look at my link ^ Hermes have delays because of a depot fire
  2. He uses Hermes? Then your delay is because of this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/transport/10489722/Fire-at-Hermes-distribution-centre-delays-Black-Friday-orders.html
  3. It's all about Hermes for fast cheap delivery; f*ck royal mail!
  4. Baikal or Yildiz TK36 Hushpower wanted. Cash or swap for Fully folding side by side Parkemy .410
  5. £30 in fuel? That's got to be a good few miles away?!!! Geez! I feel slightly uncommitted... I just work perms around villages and town where I live
  6. I was; now I'm doubting myself... They just don't seem as keen which is why I'm inclined to think it's them, but then they might not be keen if it's got nowt in it...
  7. So... Last season my Hob and Jill were on fire. This season they appear to have forgotten what they are doing, bolting nothing (1's and 2's) and staying near the surface tunnels of the warrens... Anyone had ferrets collectively lose interest? Any ideas/reasons?
  8. They make a little nest in the straw/clothes don't think they would be comfy with just sawdust, I use that in the rest of the place though.
  9. Is it people from within the ferreting community or people who don't really have a clue?
  10. Straw in winter; old tshirts in summer
  11. Sounds like some kind of infection; particularly with the listlessness. Have you looked on skin for any bite/cut sore or opened mouth to look for anything. I'll be honest with there fast metabolism and small size id whack it to the vets sharpish
  12. It's warm down those warrens though.... You keeping them both?
  13. Jono_g I don't mind coming out with you on yours to show you the ropes with my two; and then we can go on a couple of mine...
  14. Jono; I'm local to you. PM me... Why did you stop? Do you have any perms? You can pick up ferrets now; I've only really started getting into this season late, as the summer lasted so long...
  15. Totally; I rarely get 'the drop' on foxy.
  16. Not for the next shot. Imagine it being a one shot pause button The button does the reverse of the mag feeder button, as in effect it stops it working.
  17. You're out with 6's after rabbit/pigeon etc. And see Reynard. Press button. Eject round place SG/BB in; hold next BB in hand. Shoot. If need to shoot again working parts are at rear and next bb goes in. Stops needing to faf emptying mag to change cartridge type.
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