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Everything posted by Nick3439

  1. I have this kit; and have covered three rabbit skins in salt; am I right I now scrape the flesh off then stick it in the solution? If I haven't 100% fleshed it is that going to cause massive dramas?
  2. Gaz that's an unusual coloured ferret, what's the second pic, your court? Any chance of a pic of the whole court? What you using on the floor?
  3. I just bought my first new nets in 15 years from AndyKelly so I'm carrying on till all I'm doing is digging.
  4. You can Rc1 copy the link and drop it into a new webpage, it's what I did
  5. Tjones; can you post a pic or link to the bags you are talking about?
  6. It's a purse net with two pegs basically....
  7. That's the only type of ferret Id keep
  8. I use a goretex dpm jacket; but then I carry a daysack so pockets aren't an issue...
  9. There is also a little large pack thing that hooks onto the jacket if you can get hold of it. http://bit.ly/1fwOp1k Many moons ago this was what we wore when playing "enemy" during exercises; the amount of mag pouches is unbelievable.... It was good stuff; personally though I just think the material is just too heavy (indestructible though)
  10. Pipa go have a look, around the edge..
  11. I used to have one of those; if I remember the elbows are waterproof too, and the trousers have waterproof knees very good, but very heavy Also look in the hood for a cool little surprise!
  12. If you have about £200-350 I'd get a Lanber/Aya Yeoman or Baikal OU
  13. When I was younger I only kept two castrated hobs cos I didn't think I could deal with the grief of a Jill; regardless of the benefit, after a 10 year break from ferrets, I picked up 2 again and got a hob and a Jill, the Jill seems more able at ferreting (however the hob is no bad either) but I do think a hob is similar. Get him snipped, watch his weight, simples. The Jill seems far livelier which makes her better for working but did take her longer to handle; and the little f$cker skulks in the holes and it really p#sses me off! Oh and the vet told me that castrating a hob also carries a ri
  14. I had some ferrets about 10 years ago and deployed to Afghanistan; my mum looked after them; she fed them and cleaned them out but didn't spend time with them; when I came back they were all jumpy and a little 'nippy' (not real bites) and skittish; after about a week of quality time they were back to pre-tour temperament. That's after over 6 months... So I reckon they are salvageable and just need quality time
  15. Isn't there the old tale about R's in the month? I tend to stop when I have to start putting in the swim/bike/run training in when triathlon season starts....
  16. I think I'll have a tinker then....
  17. BPR; do you have any more to sell?
  18. So I carry around an army entrenching tool; it does the job where I have permissions and haven't wanted for more; but the more I read here the more digging seems to be a large part of the chat here.... Maybe I just don't do enough ferreting on a large enough scale, or I have some magical gifted ferrets that poo gold. Anyway; some links to what people think are the holy grail of spades would be good...
  19. No guns/Dogs/Digging. It really is rather tricky....
  20. If you're all serious you need to tackle it the same way they do. Film them. Make them the targets; gather evidence on them; so that they can be prosecuted etc. I'm pretty sure the antis are disliked by the police as they are always causing problems at mayday g8 etc.
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