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Everything posted by Nick3439

  1. Naughty naughty! Could it be that you are hyper aware of how long you have been on the plot as you're not supposed to be there so you've not given them enough time down?
  2. Maybe I wasn't clear; if a tunnel is 100% submerged will a rabbit go under completely under to come out the other side of the submerged tunnel if that makes sense?
  3. I hadn't had ferrets for 10/15 years when I got a hob and Jill in November and was surprised at how nippy they were as my last memories of mine were of totally handled ferrets not two kits... Once I realised the 'nips' didn't hurt unless I pulled away, I just took them and as mentioned pushed back in or scruffed them... It pretty much sorted them after a week. Except my socks. They still want to eat my socks.
  4. I think 3 times isn't enough to be certain they are no good; there are loads of factors to consider; how noisy are you being; rabbits you've seen dive under know you are coming and from my experience I think are less likely to bolt; so they may not be shifting them out the stop ends but doesn't mean they are not interested....
  5. Fair enough! I have some pretty amateurish ferrets but even they bolt a few (not these 30+ bags) but enough to keep me in food... I reckon once they bolt one they'll get the hang of it....
  6. Is it possible there are no rabbits down said warren?
  7. How old? And how are they not good workers?
  8. I would also recommend Andy Kelly, next set of nets I buy will be off of net trigger to see the difference
  9. Norseman; when I was a kid I made a whole 8x6 shed there court and put a 2.5ft wood framed Perspex lip to the door like a ferret stair gate, when I get some spare cash I'm doing it again!
  10. I like running and swimming and cycling..... Sometimes borrow my folks dog for the odd jog; I think the lurchers would lack the stamina for a 10k run?
  11. Awesome! Is that built in a shed?
  12. Soooo after some concern my ferrets had got infested with Mites on there last outing I am confident that they walked themselves into and out of a nest of freshly hatched tick larvae; not having come across this before (just the 'normal' few ticks) but they have literally hundreds on them. They are normally fipronil'd (which should protect them from ticks/fleas) but due to my initially insecurity at what they were (a microscope revealed 6 not 8 legs so I ruled out tick initially not realising they start with 6) I bathed them with normal ferret shampoo (revealing hundreds at skin level, I've nev
  13. The only thing wrong with the little pop out was Ticks. I have never seen so many tiny little ticks ever; so tiny I thought they might be mites, Some research revealed that Tick Larvae hatch in bundles of thousands and it would appear that a few hundred got on each of my ferrets. Absolutely infested. I guess it's to be expected in an area rife with deer. As for the Hi-Viz Yellow nets I'm waiting for someone to ask me what I'm doing so I can say "I'm highlighting the rabbit holes, it's a health and safety requirement"
  14. Welcome and loving the tweed!
  15. Quickly popped out to the local Golf Course as I was keen to try out Andy's nets I'd bought off here... Having not bought a set of nets for 15 years I've been used to using Bisley Nylon ones and knew no different. Had a wander and found a small warren at the base of a tree, fresh droppings and digging identified it as worth a try in lieu of a dog to mark for me; quietly setting up the nets I decorated the tree in preparation for a retro 80's roller disco. I popped the two ferrets down; it's been a 2 week lay off for Clyde as he'd recently been castrated so his first time out for a whil
  16. Haven't all the rabbits drowned your way?
  17. They sleep for 18 hours a day in 6-8 hour bursts; so I wouldn't say for more than 6 hours? But then the longest I have them in my box without checking on them is probably the 20 minute drive
  18. Question; when out ferreting I rarely wear camo (don't see the point) so do people think that there is a gain to be had (personally I think it draws attention to yourself from the antis if they see you whilst walking there dog) - If I'm out with a gun and ferrets I will in case I walk something up.
  19. Looking at there website; the taking of rabbits is a subsidised cost for the job; the job is more expensive if they leave the rabbits; so I guess in this example the subsidised quote compared to non-subsidised quote was not as good as the rates the client could get from his game dealer I assume....
  20. Jamie M that's an epic picture; looks like a professional one...
  21. If you're having to 'hand back' the rabbits I take it you aren't expected to paunch them etc?
  22. My eldest girl isn't keen on hunting not gonna force her, got one last chance with the 2 year old!
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