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lurcher power

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Everything posted by lurcher power

  1. I'll tell u now it's jacked once it will jack again
  2. Dose anybody no if the incar charger for the tracer litium battery works on the tracer 150 cordless lamp cheers
  3. good pics pal and a tidy dog fair play must be good numbers round about
  4. Fits like a glove on a chickens lip
  5. that dog looks in very good condition and fit fair play
  6. Are they half crosses?[/theres a bit of saluki in them aswell
  7. alrite mate are they related to grip like them all but I do really like the black oneyes thay related to grip
  8. think so do you no itgrip the black dog you have was my dog as a pup his father was rip he was out of monty and Sally and he was lined to Montys daughter so his half sister that wher grip came from the uncle to grip is the black dog in my post few pages back and the brindle one is out off Stan and grips mothers sister
  9. think so do you no itgrip the black dog you have was my dog as a pup his father was rip he was out of monty and Sally my pal game man got him off Reece and he was lined to Montys daughter so his half sister that wher grip came from the uncle to grip is the black dog in my post few pages back and the brindle one is out off Stan and grips mothers sister image.jpgthats grips father riphad a pup out of rip to a minshaw bitch of a lad in derby good dog gutted he not here now yes that's [BANNED TEXT] my pal billy the bitch was a blue bitch
  10. he out of monty aswell the full brother to the black one above
  11. thats my one out of monty the uncle to grip Bobby2
  12. yes from what I was told by the man him self monty was a tidy dog dog but Stan killed him when he was about 5 I think and the pups we got out off him made tidy stuff aswell
  13. monyts dead don't no bout Sally couldn't tell you bout that but them dogs out off monty we got are 5 year old now
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