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About MeggyMoo

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 18/04/1996

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  1. yeah they do. Aye thats a smart looking dog, bit thinner than the darker brindle, has it got whippet in it? aye ratting is always good fun mate. i havent been with 'serious ratters' with smokers and stuff, but done some on a mates permission on a chicken farm under the coops and round the manure pile on one of the fields. what the terriers dont do, you get to do with a shovel great fun. The darker brindle one is a collie bull whippet greyhound and the lighter is a kelpie whippet greyhound
  2. Unfortunately not no, there's a few lads that go on the land next to my permission but never seen them at it. Though it is something that me and my other half are really interested in. We've spoke about getting a hawk but unfortunately haven't got the space for it.
  3. That's why I've had her done, shame as I'd probably of liked to have a litter off her.
  4. Okidoke, I shall bear that in mind thankyou
  5. its Saskia, not meg.. thats my dog! haha and ermmm chicken nugget happy meal with fanta and double cheeseburger.... why?
  6. hi i've just today had to have my bitch spayed so i was just wondering how long others left it till they started working there dog again? the vet told me to keep her on the lead for around 2 week but i wasn't sure when was best to start taking her out properly again. She is very full on and i know as soon as that 2 week is up and i take her lead off, she'll be off working. atb Saskia
  7. Been told it can carry some sort of parasite but we've never had any problems, as long as they don't have too much.
  8. If you lamp round dodworth watch for the keeper lol ad a running with them afew times over the yearsYeah I know all the keepers round here, just got to be quick but can be more hassle than its worth!
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