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Everything posted by J_Edwards

  1. Far be it from me to slag-off charities, but some of them aren't all as nice as the seem. I remember my grandad saying that he worked on a new building in London, that belonged to a large British charity. He said that no expense was spared, and that everything was massively over-engineered. The executives were rolling up in their Mercedes, and going out for lunch to London restaurants. These people were working for a charity and they were acting like the Wolf of Wall Street.
  2. My grandma has donated money to them for decades. Then last year she had a knock on the door from them, and they said that because she is a loyal patron, would she be willing to increase her donation amount. The cheek! Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.
  3. I can't believe the cheek of these people. Protesting against the country, then moaning that the authorities haven't done enough to prevent their children from joining ISIS, which they probably support anyway. It's about time this sort of thing is addressed and stamped out. Politicians and authorities probably want to do something about it, but are too scared of breing branded "racist", so just let it slip to avoid trouble. That's exactly what happened in Rotherham. I'm all in favour of free speech, but look at Anjem Choudary. Spouting hatred against the country, then laughing because
  4. Very true! I agree that people are becoming less afraid of expressing their opinions, and it's the way it should be. I suggest reading the WikiPedia page of Phillip Davies, conservative MP for Shipley. We need more MPs like him, who aren't afraid of upsetting the nanny state, and just say it how it is. He doesn't do it because he's a "racist", "sexist", "homophobe" or "bigot", he does it because he says things as they are, not just what people want to hear. That's the problem with liberal lefties. They're all for free speech, until someone disagrees with them. Then out come the "racist
  5. It's frustrating how when anyone mentions the immigration debate, there's always some left-winger in the shadows, ready to jump out and scream "racist!". There's genuine racism, sexism, and homophobia, which nobody can deny is out of order. But then there's the stupid petty "racism", "sexism" and "homophobia", which lefties use as a weapon to shoot down anyone who doesn't agree in their ideologies. It's pretty effective too, as nobody wants to be branded a "racist", "sexist" or "homophobe". If that happened in a student bar, it would be bye bye social status! Wanting controlled immigration
  6. The Islanders are British, and identify themselves as British. Argentina is after the oil, they need the money to bring their economy up to scratch. For them to have another crack at it would be bang out of order. A fellow I used to know was at Goose Green. He's in his late 50s, possibly early 60s now, and he is still seriously ripped. I really wouldn't wan't to get on the wrong side of him. I imagine British troops have superior training, as well as equipment. The Typhoon is no doubt one of the most technologically advanced planes there is, and if technology in the early 90s could gui
  7. I use the GECO Express .223 56gr, and they're the best for my rifle. I did an experiment comparing Prvi Partizans and GECOs, and the Partizans had about a 4" group at 100 yards, whereas the GECOs were nigh-on under 1". On the downside, I get them at £24 per 20. But like I said, they're the best for my rifle. It doesn't mean they will be the best for yours, but all you can do is try them
  8. I was talking to a fellow in my county, and his 1 for 1 took 5 months. By my reckoning, that's 219,130 minutes more than Wiltshire takes Plus, he his new one came back closed, when before it was open.
  9. I don't think mentoring has ever been officially laid out, it's just used if the FEO thinks the applicant is too inexperienced to go out on their own. I know that a friend in a neighbouring county got an open ticket on first attempt, but with a mentoring condition, whereas I got a closed ticket without any conditions. It wouldn't bother me if a private company took licencing over, such as G4S or Serco, like they're doing with the prisons. I don't mind paying a bit more, providing the service is good. With some forces aiming to increase fees, having to wait 5 months for a grant, renewal, or var
  10. I've heard a few rumours that closed tickets are on their way out, in order for the under-staffed police force to save time and effort visiting and clearing land. It will probably just mean more conditions, like mentoring and high-seats for the first year or so. It's miles easier to give someone an open ticket, rather than constantly going out to check new permissions. Plus there's the flack from the BASC, should someone decide to challenge a decision.
  11. My coterminous FAC and SGC took 5 months, start to finish. The cheque was cashed after a few days, interview after 3 weeks, and then a 4 month wait for it to arrive. I was told by them that it's was due to a combination of staff shortages, computer failures, and a massive backlog. I've also been told to expect a similar timeframe for renewals and variations, as well as to expect a month for them to carry out a land check. In their defence, nobody really knows what sort of time-consuming checks they have to do, so it could take much longer than you think. When it does finally arrive
  12. The sonic boom goes a long way, and it's impossible to stop, even with a good moderator. In the dead of night, I find that tractors, combines, lorrys, car doors slamming, etc, make just as much noise, so don't worry about anyone complaining. A neighbour near me made a comment about my .17HMR and .223 crack, but thinks nothing of firing up his Harley Davidson whenever he wants, for all the world to hear, so it's swings and roundabouts really.
  13. http://gundata.org/bullet-database/compare-rifle-ammo/ A lot depends on the grain of the bullet, as I've just looked on Wikipedia, and there can be a 200ft/Ib difference in power with a slightly different bullet weight. The link above seems to make a good average. I'm sure someone with a bit of time and shooting experience could make a document with all of the above data, and suitable quarries. Also some info on ammo availability could be nice.
  14. I read somewhere that you should clean your HMR after 25 rounds, as for some reason ammo is quite dirty. I'm not sure after how many rounds I clean mine, as I do it on a when I have time basis, but I imagine between 25 and 50 rounds. I use VFG cleaning felts for mine, which I think are aimed towards target shooters, so they can't be bad. They just wipe down the barrel, and are much softer and less harsh than a brush. I spray the first felt with Ballistol, and just put as many through it until they're coming out clean. I imagine after using a bronze brush every 25 rounds, there wouldn't be much
  15. I'd lean towards the S410. Cough, I'm in Doncaster and selling one ;D HW100s are good, but they're that extra price bracket up, and paying that much for a sub 12ft/Ib airgun just doesn't sit well with me.
  16. Air Arms S410 Carbine .22, with silencer, Hawke Eclipse 4-12X50 scope, 3L diving bottle, fittings, and carry bag. It is ready to go, and is a full, field-ready kit. 10-Shot magazine, bolt-action, very quiet, and super accurate. Excellent condition, and has been well-maintained, inside and out. A couple of light scratches on the stock from normal use. Bought around 5 years ago, but has spent most of it's life inside a gun cabinet. Selling due to that it doesn't get used, and I have progressed to firearms. Very sad to see it go, as it's probably the best PCP air rifle ever made, but it deser
  17. I have .17HMR for vermin and .223 fox, as South Yorkshire Police don't like HMR for fox, so I had to get both. I was recommended .22 Hornet, but the FEO acknowledged that ammo is a problem unless you reload, and was happy to grant both. I've never used a .17HMR on a fox, but from what I've seen and heard, they will do the job up to 100 yards, after which you'd probably need a .22 centerfire. The longest I've taken with the .17HMR is a crow at 150 yards, with slight compensation for the wind, so I have no doubts that CelticCrusader is speaking the truth. In terms of .17HMR ammo, I find
  18. I got a .223 when I was 20. I had the land, the good reason, and experience of shooting since I was 9, so there wasn't any reason for refusal. It can depend on your issuing police force, as some may question your experience, and add a mentoring condition. All you can do is go for it, and see what they say
  19. 5 months for a grant in South Yorkshire. It does seem daft how they take so long. After the FEO's been, he sends the info to head office to be processed and printed. It shouldn't take 4 months to do that. It's probably a combination of many factors: budget cuts, staff shortages, the odd bit of broken equipment, technical failures here and there, and general beaurocracy. Time must just add up, but it's the world we live in. It's definitely worth it when the certificate turns up on your doorstep though
  20. I have .223 for foxing, and .17HMR for general vermin. I have an A-TEC moderator for the .223, and SAK for the .17HMR, and as the shooter, I can't tell much difference in sound, I just notice the recoil. The A-TEC was nigh on ten times as much, but it's really good. I enjoy a bit of plinking, and now the grass is cut, I'll be experimenting with some longer shots with the .223 on our land. Prvi Partizan FMJs have the same zero point as the expanding foxing ammo I use, and where I get them from they work out at 50p per round, so half the price of premium, store-bought ammo. The .17HMR is OK
  21. Mine was 5 months from start to finish in Yorkshire. Applied late january, had visit early february, ticket came mid june. There's probably much more to it than you think, but like you said, there's nothing you can do.
  22. That has to be the most ridiculous refusal I've ever heard. You simply shoot away from the pub. More likely the police didn't want patrons phoning them every time they saw someone with a gun! I'd have appealed that. Personally, I think it was also something to do with my friend's personality, as he does come across as a "gun nut", but that's my belief. What he told me, that the FEO said to him, was that the pub and it's grounds border the land, on which he intends to shoot, and is therefore too dangerous for firearm use.
  23. To answer the question, it definitely depends on the quality of the land, not the quantity. 5 acres of hilly, remote land, is better than 100 acres in the middle of a housing estate. My friend has hundreds of acres of hilly land, but he got refused a .22LR because it was too close to a busy pub, whereas I got a .17HMR and .223 centerfire for 50 acres of very remote grassland. All you can do is let the police have a look and see what they think. Your good reason is obviously that rabbits are causing damage, but it depends on how the FEO sees your land, and if they deem it to be safe for
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