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About gerry77

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  1. Cheers bodach. Went there just to have a look jst after work about 5:45ish. Heard alot of goose coming from south and landed and on the firth. Also I heard two shots.. was it u by any xhance?
  2. Theres no need for dat flag waving shit! I was shooting at Findhorn once and a dog walker approached me and said you cruel person and you shouldnt be shooting here its illegal. I said its not illegal Im im just enjoying da public rites of recreation on da foreshore which also includes shooting.. just like u enjoying ur walk with ur dog on da public place and I followed it with clearly u have a problem fone da police and let them know and I just walked away.. Well surely let u know how I get on mega hunter. Where u fae bodach? Have you had any luck yourself in dat area?
  3. Ni no worries mega hunter. I thought you were from inverness yourself. anyways that would be great if you could get directions from him. I went for a drive the other day and found a place then went back to it at nite and there were geese as I could hear them went back to it this morn also a lot of ducks.. emailed northern constabulary this morn telling them that im gonna be shooting geese and ducks on the foreshore down by the alturlie point and that my concern is that if a member of the public phone the police and the police well be dispatch to where im shooting so I asked them if I need to
  4. Hi mega hunter, where about exactly in longman your friends shot mate? you from inverness yourself mate? cheers
  5. Hi all just wondering where about is that place in longman as I go wildfowling aswell..
  6. Hi all. Just want to know if any if you guys/girls are from inverness and know where I could go goose/duck shooting on foreshore? Thanks
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