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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. Replace a load of work shy ,couldn't give a monkeys, div, 3rd world scum,I couldn't kickem into the gas chamber quick enough, I want no house building ,because it's not for ,legit born bred uk citizen's, just because they take a job ,they don't give a fuk ,Africans love the mental health career ,dish out pills do fuk all ,deport the lot ,
  2. Since when did cans of energy drink be a mark of respect?? Flowers and Red Bull cans left outside The Three Horseshoes in Knockholt as Valentine's Day shooting probe continues Really??
  3. Religion a load of old mumbo jumbo, put there to divide us ,in USA cock with knife hopefully shot 97 times, book burner tazered, pepper sprayed ,ragged by gsd/Mali job done
  4. Sort of agree ,if we all got down the church ,made a big thing of everything on the Christian calendar, we could kick off every time our way of life was disrespected
  5. See that this week Mack,did the old boy that turned up own the building? Thought it was 5 years for waving a knife about ?? Slippery fker !
  6. I know there is no words of pity ,sorrow ,for what you've been through, would be an insult to say anything, you loved your woman and did everything you could for her ,reading your post puts ,just having a shit week in perspective, I wish you peace and happiness eventually
  7. Thought the leather coat and crows skull were dodgy !
  8. China with gulag type accommodation for people that the powers that be disagree with, executing people left right and centre ,what does more advanced, superior, actually mean ?
  9. It's actually diefithhorsemanoftheapocalypseangelofdeathgrimreaperofthevalleys all one word Dai to his mate
  10. Don't think any insurance firm will touch you once you mention Dai
  11. As a horrible cnt was gonna say " light a tea candle ,play his favourite tune " but when I think of loosing my brother, I just don't know how I'd cope, I'd loose the plot ,so sorry for your loss ,
  12. waltjnr


    I just had to Google that ! Easier than taking the pampas grass with you !
  13. Don't try and pull the wool over our eyes ,what's the yarn?
  14. Your putting me off me chops !
  15. Thank fuk this Essex lamb !!
  16. How much viagra do you need ???
  17. Can't see no dead bodies ??
  18. Go back to polishing your gat gun !
  19. Kev ,your first fatalities at the comp ,stock up on body bags ,or a lot of lime !
  20. Right at this point I've got to say if dai dogs invites any of you out for a lamp,run with the dogs ,please decline ,it's not going to end well ,for you ! He'll be fine ,you not so!
  21. Jesting mate ,sounds like a harsh upbringing!
  22. Do you go to elevenarife?
  23. Your early rent boy memories?
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