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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. All councils should sack all the dossers they employ and just get themselves a Stav !
  2. I hired one last summer and really windy days were a nightmare, to a novice
  3. "An elderly Russian woman kept spooning me caviar!!" Fuk me we've had 2 entirely different days ! Brilliant Mack ,your one interesting guy !
  4. I know nothing about boats ,so bare with ! Would a fibre glass one ,or wooden need lots of ballast to make it sit right in water ? If that made any sense ?
  5. Can't say I've ever seen great pastures with loads of sheep grazing,in the USA, does makes sense ! You like it ? Looked nicely cooked, just pink enough for me !
  6. Us English have to eat it after the Welsh have internally marinaded it with their own special sauce, an acquired taste !
  7. Looks spot on ! Is lamb not big over USA?
  8. How far round the corner ? And what's happening next ? Not another " pandemic?"
  9. While I'm asking questions, are all canal boats metal hulled ,or can you get fibre glass ,?
  10. Is it really tar ? Is their not some 2 part epoxy resin type shite ? That's way better ?
  11. Your just the zen binman ,dali refuse ! Put it in the right bin dont mess with my feng shui!
  12. You need a few of your predictions, ect ,to come true ,
  13. Psycho top trumps ! I'll play my shipman card ! Blitz you
  14. Believe or not yes ,a funny story ,a heart bigger than her body ,gets her in trouble
  15. That is priceless !!! No meal in the world could beat that !
  16. If you know your big cats you'd obviously know they are wild boar ! Site is full of numpties ! No wonder goly gets peed of with you lot !
  17. What a grown up response !
  18. Man you can cook !
  19. Bottom of me garden ,
  20. Drive up the A1 welwyn to stevenage you'll see more dead munties than that ,
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