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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. watched the news report,just the sound of the stupid bearded muhamid ali ba bas voices makes my skin crawl! Like rats but worse!Filth!
  2. get a proper car made out metal not plastic!
  3. waltjnr

    Stevie G

    not sure what his on a week ,but wow 96k donation !A weeks money i guess?They dont know the value of money,thier silly mrs spend more on looking good (orange) a year than his donation!
  4. waltjnr


    all fit girls round here,cant understand why they want to do it?
  5. watch what humans do to each other,and throwing a few mutts in a river is quite tame!Still sickened me and yes a good kicking wouldnt go a miss!
  6. Marianne Faithful would have liked one of them!!
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