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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. waltjnr


    i thought this was like "pigeon watch" and crap would not get through the GOD like mods!
  2. desertbred,you and your lot need air dropping straight over the 3rd word sh*t hole you originate from ,im not intrested in all your crap ,and the sh&t spouted by nutters who believe in mumbo jumbo,this is MY country i didnt want it filled with the worlds debris,spongers,parasites !We have enough of our own that i despise ,the lot coming in i loathe even more! This is an island ,it has a limited capacity,all these foreign imports breed like rats ,and i know how i deal with rats!
  3. well ,slightly i dont need some fictional character to run my life!
  4. waltjnr


    ive got my FAC,SGC, i believe in some make believe person ,he rules my life, ?THERE IS NO GODS! its all sh*t ,your a retard if you follow such carp,and if you do please opt out of the NHS,ease up waiting lists ,after all your"god" will mend you?
  5. scary thought ,they will over run us just by the volume of them and lack of us! Their is no God ,full stop !just a load of mental patients that need to believe in some make believe being,
  6. waltjnr

    21 Today

    enjoy your day mate ,converting to islam?
  7. some dozy twat goes into the back of you,the dogs dont stand much chance,better of in an estate/van!
  8. i put some on my tongue then lick the mrs ,she likes its tingle!
  9. dont think he will,a few non master race amongst that team!Might have been born in Germany,but khedira,ozil,mustafi dont sound too Germanic to me!
  10. Paul Lamb's not bad,a geordie if i remember correctly ,learnt from Sonny Terry !
  11. look at the dog thrown down rubbish chute story ,thats to the right !Pretty amazing!
  12. He's culled waste that most muppets on here would call a good dog!
  13. I agree with this mate but it seems it's the done thing all over. Work the lads to their limits to test their character almost, see if they've got it in them to keep going despite being absolutely f****d. I don't think it's good practice but them birds need looking after... You have to want to be a gamekeeper and not be motivated by money (for the first few years at least) Its a gloryfied chicken farmer,not an elite soldier,dont think tested to thier limits is needed!Its more like get every pennys worth out of them!
  14. they said mine looked like a cock,but smaller!
  15. well cant comment on his pistol,but his rifle was pretty deadly!
  16. Some people would call it a water pistol!lol
  17. so thats why he hangs around street corners!Waiting for Mr Whippy!
  18. His more into quantity over quality!lol
  19. My nan is'nt looking to well,cant see her lasting till the end of the month,your more than welcome to her if you have the freezer space?
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