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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. Cheers Flipper,not seen that before,bit less rambo than the thing i saw,although they did say good for 300yards!!
  2. bait blaster? When i googled it ,i got images of some sort of cannon,like those home made spud firing type things ,that sea fishermen were firing there baits out with,is this what your reffering to?
  3. Al-Qahirah is quite a catchy little number!
  4. No sense asking him. Did you not see his Capt Oates topic? 'I'm going offline. I may be some time.' oh i thought we still had his wisdom till the weekend?
  5. i did like the romantic bits from Break Back Mountain ,if you can call it a western?
  6. blood meridian, what a fantastic book i think it would be hard to do the book justice in a film My thoughts exactly,sort of thought Reverant sort of captured the bleakness,and hardships of life back then,you would probably get a triology out of something as epic as Blood Meridian ,its to big for one film.
  7. Cushty,i broke a mirror last night but when i left the house this morning i trod in gypsy shit in my front garden ,will this cancel out the mirrors bad luck ?
  8. De Caprio's recent ,The Reverant,absolutely brilliant ,id love some one to make a film of Blood Meridian by Mcormac mcarthy ,what the wild west must have really been like!
  9. sorry eternal life just aint possible!
  10. exactly ! you build up an appetite ! maccie d's fill the spot better than the others !
  11. something i have been saying for years,would love missing out on the bit where im messing myself ,dont know what day it is ,sitting in a care home being badly treated by some nigerian !
  12. A very thought provoking question,i do think there is a massive difference in just imagining the end is imminent ,and the real situation when you know your time is up ,i think as easy as it is to say you'd be calm and ready ,in reality you'd cling to any chance ,unless it is really your time ,and through sickness ,age you know your over ?
  13. Im sure ive heard a few news readers call him Sir David Bowie, did he not refuse he's knighthood? Anyway RIP Bowie,a true legend!
  14. totally said in jest,absolutely amazing work !
  15. do you work in any other material than conti-board?
  16. That your balls ? Peanut butters best I find Crunchy or smoothe Smooth, if you use crunchy they nibble too much pal haha everyone knows its marmite !Not peanut butter!
  17. did pup, come with addidas trackie bottoms and white trainers? i bet the bad boy saxo is just out of shot?
  18. anyone see jools holland new years eve ? i thought Beth hart ,was very good ,and the added jeff beck factor,since listen to her recent album,and very impressed ,and yes not the best looking, but im grown up enough to appreciate that theres more to someone than just looks,unlike some of the male Adonis on here !
  19. Not a fan of cats at all but that ones a looker I've never seen a chocolate cat before Do chocolate pussys smell of cocoa butter?
  20. Even on a hunting site the outrage bus is being fired up over this legal and humane pest control. I particularly like the outrage in the original photo that the Cubs were killed. What did the anti expect the guys to do? Kill the vixen and then let the Cubs starve or take them away to be bottle fed? People are losing their minds over photos of this. And let's not forget the international outrage and policy changes that were the result of the legal hunt of 'Cecil' the lion. Yet in most of the 'developed' world it is perfectly legal (and increasingly sociably acceptable) for a woman to murder
  21. Spot on with that comment its the difference between young men who want to be famous and young men who want to be boxing champions.........no razzmatazz no attention seeking gypsy warrior nonsense Bills dad when asked how proud he is said " very proud but no more proud than any other father of a word champion would be "......just nice normal humble people i went past their place today just a white bedroom sheet with " champion of the warld " written on it,an england flag and a few balloons.......he,s certainly put Holywell Caravan Site on the map .......the accomplishment is the achievement i
  22. bloody hell a sweaty with NO personality wins!
  23. no probs with pic,but will say over the years have found it sad ,the amount of dads that parade their kids decked out in real-tree holding up some game/vermin (which they blatantly arent comfortable with ),seems to be guys with daughters "they love it!".So what if your sprog aint in to the same stuff as you?Forcing your views,ways,hobbies on your kids is not good!
  24. Thats exactly my first action upon finding someone like that,rob them! oh well i believe in karma ,your obviously not so sensitive?
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