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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. Not for the snoring they dont! mines like an angry old scap yard rottie ,ive had people down stairs ,and shes in bed upstairs growling/snorring away ,they cant believe it!Im ok if i get to sleep first ,a few ales and a magical coffee help !
  2. waltjnr

    West Ham

    Whats all this about ....not sure where you got that from Stan.......but where the f**k is Kings Lynn ? You have got no idea how much I laughed picturing your face when you read that ...sorry youngster ...but simple things amuse simple people and all that . Must admit i skipped over a lot of the thread so maybe ive missed something.....or is it really as simple as that..........dont tell me i,ll live in ignorance. The bisto kid was calling Wilfy and Tufty plastic east enders while he was educating your lot ,really that simple ,like I said ,simple minds and all that . Oh i see........
  3. I wish her a speedy and full recovery ,deserves a peaceful retirement!
  4. waltjnr


    im on that now !lol does boil my piss watching that shite!
  5. waltjnr


    Mrs watching it,talk about shite!!!!! And dont get me started on the ethnic love in! Some bitch even mocked the white man !Oh well it is the bbc ,one good moment of their programes dont erase the damage,hurt their scum ,peado presenters have committed,should be abolished ,how anything carrys on after having being part of such atrocities?
  6. titmuss ,a feed place near me does 25kg of pigeon conditioner with aniseed oil for £17.50 ,its free delivery over £19 ,they do all feed ,birds ,dog,horse ,and a bit of fishing bait ?
  7. animals are there for us to kill,lets crack on and get the job done !
  8. pleb!Typical ginga ,life time of bullying has left you fu*#ked up!
  9. waltjnr


    I think ALL the powers that be are corrupt ,and rotten to the core,theyve got away with it for so long ,with no protest from those whose best interests they are suppose to be looking after,they have carried on taking the p*ss more and more ! A bit like some one at work pinching a few bits/adding a few hours to the overtime sheet ,the more they get away with robbing the very thing that gives them a wage ,the bolder they get ,just assuming the bosses are mugs ,but eventually when they get to greedy ,it is their downfall! Ticking little boxes wont rectify the situation now,weve gone past that
  10. Did you know the lads who owned the bull crosses Punch and Rumour. i know them both,ones a good mate
  11. I used to go to a starch refinery down at Tilbury ,and get gallons of it ,the refinery had drain offs at certain points of the process to take samples for quality control ,so we used to get the real good gear,i had a 1000 litre IBC in my garage ,as me and a mate had a go at selling it ,along with csl pellets a by product of that process.Didnt really shift that much to be honest ,interesting getting the stuff tho!
  12. why aren't they all like that,even sh*t weather sounds good coming from her!
  13. My brother was dog sitting that cross last week ,was a big lump ,wasn't as big as 30",but still a handful ,just a pet .
  14. Il fight socks How could you stoop so low?
  15. Definitely castrate the scum ,don't need low lifes like that breeding ,too many as there is!
  16. don't know why my writing went so small ?? Are they watching my every move ? Whys that big black 4x4 parked outside my house ?
  17. Tring museum is a Rothschild property,not a bad afternnoon out ,lots of old stuffed gear,including dogs ,I think Ballyregan bob and mick the miller are there?
  18. bloody hell Griff ,artistic,as well as practical,inventive,creative !You were definitely at the front of the queue when talent was being dished out!
  19. Dont follow Scottish football ,will make an exception today as the mrs nephew playing for Rangers today ,so come on Rangers!!!!!
  20. Cheers for all replies,ive since managed to find quite a few good ideas online,think ill be going down the lines of an ali stand from a marine supplies shop,aimed at sea anglers i guess but reckon it will be fit for purpose!if i had the brains id put a link up as it might appeal to others!
  21. I bet there were plenty at those parties wearing collars and leads ! lol ,probably some good business for strongstuff!
  22. those programs are not good for your blood pressure!
  23. cheers jok ,is was looking at going down the home made route,but do like the like the ones in flippers link,if i have them horizontal on the wall it will free up some floor space.
  24. I had a set of fox illuminated swingers,didnt really rate them ,prefer bobbins!
  25. Cheers Flipper,i like that !Must be somewhere in the uk that does something similar,wont be so reasonably priced I bet!
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