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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. waltjnr

    Nazi Gold

    Anyone been following the Polish guys hunting for the steam train supposedly full of gold/treasure buried in a tunnel ? They think they've found it ,and want 10% of the value,i think its about 200 mill .
  2. I knew exactly what it was (even if I didn't name it correctly) You are the one without a clue. yeah thats right matey ,im the one without a clue??? You numpty,bit like me sticking up a thread saying look at this golden eagle i shot......oh yeah forgot to say in hertfordshire thats what we call magpies! your error i believe ,not mine for not knowing every species of gopher in your country!
  3. so ok to shoot something you havent a clue what it is?
  4. how much scrumpy went back up north?
  5. waltjnr


    Walshie ,i thought you were being sacastic!...what is under score ? i got my msg straight back? .....yes im thick!
  6. waltjnr


    Cheers guys ,thought it was him ,will pm him!
  7. waltjnr


    Who is the I.T/Computer wizard on here? ,got a pc anti virus/security question.
  8. Forgot about The Guard ,funny film well worth a watch!
  9. Mate you wanna lay off the coons ,youve enough unrest and riots over there,anyway your police are doing a good enough job on them !
  10. ive been using wychwood solace acs ,and cant fault them ,always used diawa/shimanos but thought id give these a go and havent been disapointed!I even bought the solace bit pit baitrunners to put on my carp rods ,and love em!
  11. River leigh? Im just down road from st albans went school there Yes mate the Lea ,i fish the bit at marford bridge wheathampstead,into brocket park My membership run out there last year,its a good river had some good size chub and barbel . I used to fish the pegs,have you walked further up heard its bit harder up there Yes mate ,its a good club loads of waters ,i havent fished the short walk i stick to the other side as its more wild ! I think Dean Macey film did a film shoot down there ,not sure if its been aired yet? I heard the short walk got a bit naughty with blokes argueing
  12. good pics Dc,your river seems more classic barbel river than where im fishing ,i even have silty stretchs on my river and they do feed on it ,at first i avoided and stuck to faster flowing gravel stretches ,but have recently tried the silt and it does produce !Is this normal for barbel or have they just adapted to what is available? Also what are your views on barbel in stillwaters?my boss just come back from a weekend at westwood lakes lincolnshire,and happy hed caught barbel out of the lakes ,i said far better from a river !
  13. No mate,i am one of lifes good guys.Coincidentally he is going to legalise medicinal cannabis.Fair play to you as Walt says you certainly come across as a interesting man whos got a few storys to tell I'd share a mug of builders tea with you any day .... Freeing the weed he sounds like a top fella Oi Bitch ! His mine! get back to your flat pack furniture!
  14. Murder a fag. Dont take it out on the gays!
  15. River leigh? Im just down road from st albans went school there Yes mate the Lea ,i fish the bit at marford bridge wheathampstead,into brocket park
  16. Savage ,backward monkeys ,watch the heathens necklace each other with burning tyres ,they should be exhibits in a fukin severely secure zoo ,and put on the vermin list !
  17. Mackem ,you have lived one very full,interesting life ,or i should say living! A few pints with you would be a very interesting evening ! No im not asking you out !lol
  18. my bit of river outside StAlbans has now a good population of them ,would love to pop a few off !noisey foreigners!
  19. stoned i love Dumb and Dumber!,The great outdoors ,absolute classic ,big fan of John Candy ,hope his never outed as a peado will ruin it! The borat film was good !
  20. And probably run by pedo's ,all looking out for each other ,bit like a few other clubs/society's/charitable groups ,raise a bit of money for worthy causes ,all just smoke and mirrors ,us dumb sheeple wont see past the kind charitable acts .........how about we ALLrefuse to pay for a tv/peado licence ,what are they going to do?
  21. Are they ever? oh well as long as stella is £5 for 6 cans who'd complain?
  22. bet the hes rubbing his hands together he's got another good hand out coming the end of next month ,halloween !
  23. Is there a wrong raghead?? sorry ,see ive been beaten to it ! Great minds eh!
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