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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. is that an eater ,or put back ? Nice fish !
  2. just googled Horton crossbows ,pretty impressive ,are the reversed ones more powerful?
  3. Tut tut ! Come on you know the world is flat!
  4. waltjnr


    Bit early for them lentil munchers ,still in their pit
  5. waltjnr


    Matt Groening is the leader of the Illuminati ,we are all living a huge episode of the simpsons!
  6. waltjnr


    Is that predicted ,or are they just carrying out whats been planned anyway ?
  7. waltjnr


    thought exactly the same ,one big fix ,but wow ,no! Its like House of Cards ,but less believable lol !
  8. waltjnr


    i wonder if theyve started digging the footings for the keep the mexicans out wall lol? Interesting times ahead,seeing as he gets on with Farage ,could that mean we'll see more of him now?Hope so!
  9. waltjnr


    i say we have it with the swiss for fukcin with the toblerone!
  10. Has your mother tied that pork chop around your neck yet so that dogs will play with you... no ,but shes covered me john thomas in marmite so theyll lick it off! it is friday night!
  11. some one tell hes mummy and daddy to give him hes xbox back !
  12. bitchfox why are you such an angry chap ? and what is with the shite about "ooh i did some pad work carrying too many bargain buckets" makes you sound like a complete cock!
  13. Take it easy... We seeing Sleaford mods it's going to be bedlam lol lets us know how it goes ,i like them ,should imagine a good gig
  14. Got lost once and drove onto an estate in Merthyr Tydfil ,dont know about tough ,but it was bloody rough !packs of dogs running about ,burnt out motors ,watched a copper rugby tackle a guy to the floor ,this was midday !Quite glad to get out of there, some nice views and country side at top of this estate as well !
  15. and parakeets seem to be doing pretty well!
  16. contacted him ,off up to drop the gun off on saturday ,he sounds a bit of a character,pretty sure hes the best man to work on a superten !
  17. cheers jon ,was hoping someone closer ,but will contact him !
  18. My S10 has recently lost power ,im guessing a problem with the regulator? Im in Welwyn Hertfordshire,can anyone advise me of a good gunsmith to take it to in my area? From what ive heard they are not a gun a novice should tackle stripping down whilst following a youtube video ,so want some who knows what there doing to take a loook and hopefully remedy! Cheers guys !
  19. shiny at first but as i read it and saw the white pens next to the legs ,suddenly obviously white paint!
  20. Normally drive closer so I can read them. Better off having a sign saying "Kenneth Noye on board"
  21. When they arrive, they'll be thinking that they've been tricked and deported to Africa. Is it that bad I did not think any were could be as bad as Rotherham.lolCroydon is a shit hole,i remember being there in the early hours of the morning years ago and passing that bastion of immigrants Lunar House,there werenpeople kipping on the pavements in sleeping bags to get in as soon as it opened to process their claims or whatever.Not one of these "desperate asylum seekers" in the jungle is genuine,not a single one.To a man (and very few women)they are bogus,they aren't fleeing persecution and death
  22. Anyone notice how they keep bleating on about the unaccompanied minors/children in the camp/jungle ,and that they need youth workers ,people to keep an eye on them ? Whys that ? I thought the people they are surrounded by are their own kind,desperate people fleeing war ,persecution ,you know the same ones that are going to be a benefit to our country and culture ,that the tosssers in charge want to fill our towns with,surely they are no threat to kids ??lol ! So its ok to put our kids at risk letting god knows who in ? Every clip i saw on the news yesterday showed only males ,loads sitting p
  23. fill with home made sloe gin and give as a present?
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