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About Onlyworkmatters

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    United KIngdom

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  1. Nor me cos they'd have had their heads slapped from the day they mentioned it til the day they left, how many openly homos were in schools 30 years ago, non that I knew of now they walk to school hand in hand, I couldnt believe what Iwas seeing
  2. Its not about halal slaughter or hijab niqab or any of the other miriad of things the moslems demand, its about slowly but surely chipping away at the host countrys traditions and replacing them with their backward 7th century ideology, as a country we need everyone to wake up and be aware of how these parasites work
  3. You asked about moslems and I certainly never mentioned colour, another 1 seeing racism where there is non So if i sympathise with a hard working muslim (some do exist contrary to THL belief) who wants to live here peacefully and pay his way in this country i should be hung as a traitor? Not hanged but a traitor, yesLoad of bollocks...so im suppose to hate them all because of the colour of their skin rather than their intentions in this country. Racism in its purist form You asked about moslems and I certainly never mentioned colour, another 1 seeing racism where there is non
  4. So if i sympathise with a hard working muslim (some do exist contrary to THL belief) who wants to live here peacefully and pay his way in this country i should be hung as a traitor? Not hanged but a traitor, yes
  5. In theory there should still be a quarter But Ive been told on here that bull blooded patterdales line bred for generations now have no bull blood in them, I just wondered where it disappears to, just to be clear this isnt aimed at you Shane
  6. So if you have a family of terriers that are roughly 1/4 bull and dont outcross or add any other blood to the line how much bull blood is in this family of terriers after say 35 years
  7. no wonder the men rape white woman no wonder the men rape white woman and cows
  8. They wont because they dont care, police, social services, politicians....non of them give a flying f**k as long as the multicultural agenda is maintained
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