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Everything posted by shealy1

  1. Thats sounds good foxdigger a would be up for that
  2. Aye it does mate if u need to buy 50 batteries and change it every 10 mins to match the deben lithium then sack that thats why a asked the questions so a could get feedback from someone who has one duhhh lol
  3. Nice length to him too mate nice one
  4. By how long I mean how long would u think u would get out of it on the next to most powerful setting or most powerful setting running continuous
  5. How long do u reckon u could get out of one charge mate ?
  6. Who is planning on breeding this year ?
  7. A tracer 150 sportlight rechargable mate 69 quid delivered the dogs bollocks for a hour or two out and keep the lightforce with lithuim for the heavier nights u wont go far wrong
  8. 2.8 guy whats the exact breeding of the red dog with the cup proper stamp
  9. Looks tidy mate give us feedback on it after u have used it for a right good few sessions would be appreciated
  10. For 60 odd quid its a good wee piece to add to the collection the white light is good for places that get hammered aswell
  11. Had a blue heeler when I was younger very clever dog n loyal very small compact type but would guard you with his life
  12. What kind of money is in that if u dont mind me asking and whats the dimensions of the outer and inner crackin job btw
  13. Nice read mate thats whats its all about going out enjoying the dogs and having a good time while your at it
  14. nice one mate cant hope for a better start than that
  15. Sound advice guys cheers anybody else got anymore pics of kelpies x's
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