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Everything posted by shealy1

  1. Sorry to hear [BANNED TEXT] keep ur head up get new pup keep ur mind occupied
  2. Yi want to go n get a lend of a ferret and a couple of purse nets
  3. Very nice dugs mate look nippy nice stamp atb shealy
  4. Nice dogs hows the brindle pup bred n the old dog same stamp az my bitch ? Atb
  5. Do use guys ever run the jackrabbits over where u r ?
  6. A can remember the first one I shot out of a treestand a buzz is not the word I nearly jumped out the stand to go see it i was walking about grinning like a cheshire cat for weeks afterwards lol
  7. Show make good allround dogs in the right hands
  8. Canny be any worse than horse meat [BANNED TEXT] lol
  9. Scatter dry sweetcorn out in front of ur high seat or get an automatic feeder with a trail cam on it n u will soon find out there feeding patterns
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