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About Billy_boy_2010

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Goodness thats horrific! I'm assuming they stole all his stock ?
  2. Not that many about. I'm currently looking for something suitable
  3. Argh wish this was in the UK. I have a slot for a 300WM hunting rifle and would love something like this!
  4. ATN 4k Pro WANTED View Advert As above guys please PM me Advertiser Billy_boy_2010 Date 13/05/20 Price Category Scopes and Optics
  5. Pard 007 night vision WANTED View Advert As above PM me please. Thanks Advertiser Billy_boy_2010 Date 29/04/20 Price Category Scopes and Optics
  6. Hi guys I'm selling my immaculate Air Arms S200 in 177 Excellent condition no mods etc approx 4 years old. £370 posted £350 collected from Devon
  7. I'm really thrilled this has sparked such conversation The conclusion i have come to is HMR will usually kill a fox cleanly. The closer the better and there's a greater chance it will be a slower kill than a larger round- thus it's not ideal. But if you put it in the right spot it will usually do the job. It does seem some of the issues with the HMR is under penetration/excess fracturing on superficial impact. This seems more of a risk with head shots. Would a solid tip be more suitable for head shots perhaps? Or could that tiny round over penetrate
  8. Part of me wants to hurry the 308 deer rifle and wait to use that on the foxes. Shot placement is key but the reassurance and overkill of a larger calibre reassures me. That or I try and trade my HMR with a 223 and have a dedicated fox rifle.
  9. Interesting thanks a lot guys I'm looking into night vision now as it happens. probably a PARD. It seems there's a bit of variation amongst users- some say heart and lung with 17 and others say head shot. I will do some more practice with the 17 for sure before I go near anything alive. With the ballistic tip it seems some people think a splintered round causing superficial skull damage is a risk. But there's a similar risk with a heart and lung shot too. I'm going to do some research on fox anatomy- need to know exactly where the heart is from all angles. A
  10. Thanks for the advice sausage. From what i have read FEO opinion on rimfire for fox varies significantly nationwide. Mine (who doesn't actually shoot) point blank declines 22 for fox but was happy with HMR. The 22 bouncing off a foxes skill was the experience of a chap i met years ago. it wasn't common- but seemed to be something to do with the foxes head position and skull/forehead shape- very angular and inviting a ricochet. Any thoughts on the bullet type for heart/lung shots Sausage ? How quick is the kill with a HMR and a rib shot ?
  11. Hi guys I have lots of experiencs shooting bunnies and squirrels etc plus shotgun but it's my first time on fox. FEO has granted my 17 HMR for fox- saying 22 wasn't sufficient. A local farmer wants me to take care of the foxes before lambing season. So- my question is- which causes the most ethical kill with HMR ? 1) Heart/lung (more forgiving......unless I hit a bone and the little round struggles ? May not be that quick? Assume heart is missed- would a lung shot do the job quickly?) Expanding will be quicker in lung but more likely to struggle with the shoulder joint
  12. Hi guys I'm after a rimmie- hmr probably- and quite fancy the decent match 54 action. However- it's unclear which of the Annie's have 54 and which have the cheaper 64. Does anyone have any info on this ? Any info would be excellent thank you.
  13. Both kill just as effectively with a head shot- which IMO is all anyone should aim for. .177 is more forgiving if your range estimation isn't great. I still use .22 and just use a range finder or shoot at known distances. I find .177 a bit fiddly and child like. I love my hw100 (although I really don't like thumb hole stocks) it's a .22 karbine. The 100 doesn't get many shots per fill, the karbine even fewer and .177 fewer still. You would prob still get 40 anyway plenty for hunting I suppose. Some other guns known for their high shot count wouldn't struggle as much I suppose, but
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