Thanks for the replies. Just to clarify the main runs (travel runs) are the runs that go in stright line to the feeding runs and along side Fenceline and walls. Thank you for the replies
Hi i am new to mole traping and i have heard that you need to place your traps in a main run. How would i go about finding the main run is the main run just a stright line of mole hills? Thanks in Advance
My collie greyhound bitch 7 mounth old has been haveing a bad stomach and i was thinking of puting her on raw meat and bone diet. Has anyone got any Ideas and how do you feed? Thanks
I have a 3 month old coliie greyhound pup i was just wodering how much exercise should i be giveing her. I have herd it is bad if you give them to much but how much is to much thanks.