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Everything posted by krawnden

  1. Thanks everyone, and bigmac thanks for taking the time to find that link - as you say, very cheap Very tempted to go for that, though I've spent quite a bit of time today on airgunforum, where comments on the Hawke Panorama weren't so glowing. The general consensus there seems to be that for a bit more money the Nikon Pro Staff is far superior. Anyone here got any experience of the Pro Staff?
  2. As several of you have recommended the Panorama that seems as good a starting point as any. Have looked at the Hawke Panorama web page http://www.hawkeoptics.co.uk/panorama-riflescopes.html and see quite a selection, but no mention of 3,9,50 AO, though there is a 3-9,40 AO. I'm guessing that would be similar? Forgive my ignorance, but what does the AO stand for?
  3. Thanks for the comments matt. It's just going to be for hunting - primarily rabbits.
  4. Although I've used a number of different friends' air rifles over the years, I've never owned one myself and am to all intents and purposes an air rifle novice. But I'm planning on finally buying my own, to be used primarily on rabbits. I'm thinking of getting one of the lower end Weihrauch models, probably either the HW 95K or HW (if anybody has experience of either of these and can say what pros or cons they have I'd appreciate that, also suggestions on which calibre I should choose). I have absolutely no idea where to even begin when it comes to choosing a scope - to a beginner like me
  5. D'you want it to actually bag the rats up or just stop them escaping to give dogs a chance? If the latter, a length of small guage chicken wire will do the job. Doesn't need to be very high and just cut to whatever length you need.
  6. I've just bought a fleece lined terrier sized harness at £21.25 delivered - http://www.dog-games-shop.co.uk/harnesses-fleece-lined/size-2-fleece-lined-dog-cat-harness.html
  7. I take it back That's real bad news for your mate, vin - can't imagine what it must be like to lose an entire line in one go like that.
  8. Doubt it, seeing as he started this thread!
  9. There was someone last year who said either they, or their mate, had a line of ratting only ferrets. Unfortunately I can't remember who it was - hopefully he'll see this and post....
  10. Any collars to go with it, or is it just the box?
  11. krawnden

    Goose Shooting

    Lots of wildfowling clubs offer guest tickets provided you're insured. Give BASC a ring and they'll be able to give you a list of them all, together with contact details. Just be aware that, especially if you're inexperienced, it's a bit hit and miss. Not like paying for a day's driven pheasants - you could easily be out for several flights and not fire a shot. Also make absolutely certain you understand the tides and know how to get on and off the marsh safely in the dark - mistakes can cost lives. Better IMO to pick a club that will offer an existing club member to take you out rather than l
  12. I agree a big hob can be best option, but it depends where you're ratting. If you're just going through a farmyard where rats are under old pallets, between feed bags, bales etc a big hob is great. But if you're talking about bolting them from their holes a big hob's almost certainly too big.
  13. Great pics. I love fishing those sorts of little streams, though haven't done it for ages. You've inspired me to give it another go
  14. Article from today's Telegraph
  15. Not at the moment but possibly in the future. I'm teaching the terrier to mark moles caught in putanges (I can't claim credit for the idea). Thought it would be a good idea to have some sort of clear differentiation between the normal scenting/marking work she does for rabbits. So hopefully she'll twig that when the harness is put on it's moles she's got to concentrate on...
  16. Can anyone recommend a good tracking harness for something approximately teckel size? Thanks.
  17. I had a 26" first cross border collie x grey that weighed in at 72lb
  18. As everyone else has said, that last pic's great. One to bring out on her wedding day! It's great if the kids want to come with you - my youngest loves lamping and ratting and quite often takes the dogs out for a mooch on her own and if they catch she's proud as punch when she gets back
  19. You can buy a recording of fireworks online (don't have a link I'm afraid but have a search under 'dog training aids' or somesuch and it shouldn't be too hard to find). Start playing it very quietly so dog not fussed at all. Gradually increase the volume over time until it's eventually at full blast. Obviously only turn volume up a tad once dog's completely chilled at previous level. Depending on how badly affected yours is it might take days, it might take months - you just have to go at whatever pace the dog dictates.
  20. joe was a great lad mate and had done some great foundation work with the little bitch which just made everything that little bit easier! the permission i have local certainly isnt the most productive but it serves its purpose. i have had my share of invites and have met some good people through it so only fair to return favours and help out where i can Spot on
  21. Well done gwalchmai - it was obvious the bitch had potential and that joe was keen and level headed. It can be hard getting started on your own with no land or contacts and although it was probably no big deal for you, your generosity will have meant the world to him
  22. tank - where did you get these? Same breeder/two different breeders? A friend of mine's been looking for this exact cross for a while now without success. If you could let me have a contact for breeder I'll pass it on. PM if you like.
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