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Everything posted by norseman

  1. Who's going to the shop for the long stand and doctor whites?
  2. There'd be some amount of bluffers on that site socks.
  3. That's a really tough blow, I hope you can stay occupied in some way. Atb
  4. he's good quality but it wont be cheaper than that.
  5. sounds like you're well on your way, and you know the score. I'm sure your friends can keep you right, might be difficult breaking your dogs to ferrets though. use locators All the best.
  6. sounds like a good day was had, I dont have a dog either lad and do ok
  7. its a terrier catching roe deer, and hare on lamp.
  8. nice video I laughed at you with the the longnet as I had the same problem about a month ago, by f**k could I get the rabbit out of the net mate stood laughing at me and ferrets moving after you start digging is always the way lol Again great video.
  9. Naw no problem, just curious as i only have the one needle, but I didnt know weather to buy a 10 or another 8". I just think it will be handier to have a few loaded needles rather than stopping to reload the same one. Cheers, I'll probably just get a few more 8" then to be honest. I use some bigger rings myself, have a shitload of 1 1/4" curtain rings. real good quality too
  10. Just some questions on needles. I use an 8" needle for making purse nets, but i was wondering does a 10" still pass through the 1" rings when fully loaded? and do you get much more on to the needle? For instance would it do a 3' 6" net from start to finish?
  11. I foolishly had my jill neutered as I didn't really know the score, it nearly killed the poor thing. she was on deaths door for two days, wouldn't do it again. and as the one said ye cant breed from her if she's a good grafter.
  12. I would love to witness this too would be serious craic.
  13. keep an eye on the classifieds sections here, usually all the gear on there. Sometimes even guys selling up their ferreting equipment.
  14. use one of them plunger/syringes to get water into her if she's not drinking. make sure she's drinking at the least. hope she'll be ok. I had one recover recently and i still dont know what happened to her
  15. Jesus you're keen Takes me days to make 1 I f**k about that much in between.
  16. cant beat a "walk" like that, I bagged a rabbit in the longnet for the first time on a nights walk.
  17. Mines done the same when I moved them to a much bigger hutch. I used to put objects in the places I didn't want them to shite. the penny dropped eventually.
  18. class footage, not what I'd have imagined happening, I thought it would be tighter for room and much faster paced
  19. any day catching rabbits is a good day
  20. its been really mild weather so far with us.
  21. got a days ferreting available in the derry/donegal area, be a good days craic..
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