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Everything posted by vanman1

  1. Il be slowly introducing this years kits come start of my ferreting,so i guess 5/6 months for me.The trick is be patient
  2. Mate unfortunately you gota get the roots out, no other choice it will come back otherwise.My advice would be to dig round it then break into smaller clumps with a bar or axe,i warn you now its bloody hard work,if you have that much it would pay you to hire a mini digger about £90 down my way, but will save you alot of work and your be sure to get it all!! Good luck.
  3. vanman1


    You wouldnt wanna be around when i drop a kurd lol
  4. I had a massive shock once...was using one of those fandangle mrk 3 locators and actually found my ferret!!!
  5. Personally i vote for a national cull couldn't think of a better place to start than with him
  6. TCP brilliant stuff,i use it for ferrets as well Keep a small bottle in me rucksack good for cuts, sores,blackthorns etc even treat the dogs with it
  7. Mad mate, ive shot one of these along with many other types of gun and believe me on full auto you gotta hang on Must say i feel very sorry for the young girl involved she is going to carry that with her all her life !
  8. welcome,hope you enjoy the site.Theres a wealth of knowledge amongst the members so feel free to ask any questions in the appropriate section
  9. Mini 1275gt 25 years ago god i loved that car stuck to road like You'd be surprised what you can do in the back of such a small car lol
  10. Last 4 cars have been vws cracking engines on em
  11. You can get away with loose ties to agriculture ie tree surgeon/forestry .Has been said alot of people change use to include equestrian which from my knowledge is fairly easy to do.Good luck mate
  12. Not lamping as such but was out with the rifle a few years back and spotted a cop car back end of a wood, wpc and pc in the back going at it like rabbits
  13. Nope dont wear mine ,dangerous in my line of work Have to put it on if were attending a bash or something just to keep the peace though really lol
  14. Your a better man than me mate,id av put his front door in by now and if it turned out it was my ferret ,given him the biggest hiding of his life scum if/whoever took it
  15. Depends on the weather mate really,this year i finished in January but normally march for me,iam not into digging to nests etc but some lads dont have a choice
  16. Yep there the ones i replaced all mine with .Top seller and fit a treat
  17. vanman1


    Quality ya cant take it with ya pal lol
  18. Well done bud Iam not really jealous mate......
  19. Welcome mate some of the finest ferreters in the land are on the southcoast lol
  20. Cracking those Tope do give you a good run bud lol.
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