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Everything posted by vanman1

  1. Totaly agree with above (training should start from home early a possible) i two get them used to collars before there first hunt there court is full of tunnels logs etc which they have full access to from 7/8 weeks.The first 6 months iam contuinely picking them up putting them down pipe on hollow logs etc etc.Ive even taken days off work to play with my ferret!!! lol
  2. Personaly i start mine at about six months (ish) the trick in my opinion is start easy.I try and find a smallish bury maybe 3-8 hole that iam sure holds rabbits.Be patient sometimes i dont even net up just let them sniff work etc once they have pushed a couple out they genrally only get better.Sometimes il pair a youngster up with an older jill and let them work together. The biggest mistake people make imo is putting a youngster in a large warren the rabbits can run the ferret around and it will get frustrated and start mucking about,which in turn will frustrate you! Biggest tip i can
  3. Wouldnt personaly use less than 6mm mate 9mm would be better imo but it depends how you treat your gear!
  4. Yeah i do the same or nick the tail off!
  5. Spot on mate to me thats what ferreting and the countryside is all about. Like was said before your kids will remember that all their lives.My fondus memory is my grandad taking me poaching with ferrets at 4yrs old happiest times of my life mate.
  6. Ok if your ferret is in court your in trouble lmao No seriously its basically a shed/run with sleeping area and a run.For example mine is roughly 10ft long and 5ft wide shed on concrete(i have mine on concrete so i can jet wash it out straight to a drain quick and easy) .I took one 5ft end of the shed and built 3 hutches into it (fixed)one on top of the other,maybe 2ft deep with a sleeping quaters and a feeding/shiting area.I put a mesh door on the other end of the shed.I then left the back wall and wall the hutches are on complete,the remaining long wall i left half covered in from the hutch
  7. Good luck mate ,ur to far for me but if your honest and RELIABLE you should get some luck atb Steve
  8. Mate thats the lowest of the low imo.Nothing heard my neck of the woods yet (west sussex) but i can assure you there get a fecking big shock if they try round my gaff
  9. I agree,you should also try and inclued a run of some sort with your hutch.Ferrets are far happier in a ferret court than a hutch.Put some logs in ,rocks,pipe anything helps you dont have to spend alot of money,in fact one of my hobbs will destroy anything shop brought (hammocks etc) he now has a transit tyre and loves it lol. If at all possible never keep a ferret on its own IMO they are far happier in groups. Good luck
  10. Shit mate i feel for you,but you did the right thing.Just look at the positves mate 8/9 yrs of happy life its not a bad age for a ferret just remenber the good times buddy it will put a smile on ya face atb.
  11. Ok your hobb was from a rescue centre,so no-one is 100% of the history and the jill altough looked well and was kept fed/clean etc, because of the amount of other ferrets she could have been neglected(handling wise). My guess from what your saying is she was excited and it was a playful nip. Now my approach would be take it gentle with the hobb(you dont know his history)just carry on as you are handling him talking to him etc etc you need to build yours and his confidence he may well be spot on and your never have any problems.The problem is you dont know his history only time will tell.
  12. lovely looking ferrets there mate,they look happy and relaxed keep up the good work
  13. Ok in my experience ferrets mainly bite when they have been suprised etc, especialy if you have them from kits. ALWAYS talk to your ferret as you aproach let the ferret know your coming.Again every time i feed my ferrets i make sure they see its my hand feeding them,talk to them.They should associate your hands/fingers with good things only. I have only ever reared my own ferrets for the last 20years and whilst handling kits if they attempt to bite i GENTLEY push my knuckle into their mouth you will find after a few times they will try and spit it out to the extent once my ferrets are to a siz
  14. I will have some may/june time ,but your gonna struggle this time of year mate.You might pick up a 5/6 month one but then you wont know the history etc.Good luck mate
  15. Very rarley have i cut a ferrets claw in 30years of keeping them,however they have a concrete run and logs in their court and this helps for sure.
  16. Where i live a few years back a well known supermarket built a superstore and their carpark was full of rabbits!
  17. Any kind of bag cant clean the bloody court out unless i lock them away,that and their transport box cause they know were off out!!!
  18. Good luck with the site ,il pop over have a wee peak .You cant beat working ferrets!
  19. No problems mate they will be fine. Ive done it thousands of times over the years,Like has been said already they just seem to get on with there jobs,although i have one hobb i wont put down with a strange hobb as he gets a little protective if he corners a bunny!! although he is fine with strange jills.
  20. Hi all just like to introduce myself,have been reading the forums for a while and thought id join up.Have kept/bred/worked ferrets for 30years and hopefully can carry on another 30 years lol.Shoot a little, mainly air rifle although have done alot of shotgun work over the years,but my first love is working my ferrets.Thinking of getting my first working dog this year and have read alot of helpful things from members of the forum.Happy new year to you all and good luck with whatever your passion may be.Steve.
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