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Everything posted by vanman1

  1. Anything with a Honda engine or briggs and stratton will do fine bud
  2. Some of the best footage ive ever seen Well done ,keep em coming
  3. what type of roof does the shed have? You could replace with clear roofing sheets or put a velux in!
  4. just switched to this method cheap as chips too I dont get shaveing rash as bad either compared to disposables win win for me
  5. No harm at all using ferrets for rats,but like stated earlier check her over after a hunt and keep a bottle of tcp handy(brilliant stuff) i even use it on me self lol. Sounds like there well looked after home and food wise,so if your happy carry on imo.
  6. Eye, exactly how ferreting should be done Top post as usual Newkid many thanks and ATB
  7. 20 mins a day is fine mate,mine are lucky if they get 10 mins during the week when iam flat out. HOWEVER.....i raised them all from kits and some from birth and i do put -A LOT -of time in during the first 6 months of their life, which is why i get away with it i think.The bonding and trust is done in that first 4-6 months imo. My advice would be do some research etc and get kits in. Its easier in a court etc during the summer months,for example i get in from work do the usual family stuff etc,then i grab a cuppa tea and me smokes and sit down the court for an hour.I have 15 min free for a
  8. Yes that's perfect.Concrete floor is good keeps there nails down and easy to hose out etc.I have a very similar setup to the pic,built my hutches in one end wall well off the floor.I managed to get 3 hutches in a stack all secured to the wall.Because they have the run the hutches do not need to be massive,I have the bottom hutch where they all live together with 24hr access to the run,middle hutch is for when jills are in season and i need to separate the hobbs out,and the top hutch is spare if i breed or need to separate a ferret due to illness etc.As has been said fill it with stuff there b
  9. Yep 6ft x2ft x2ft min, any size court would be better.Defo a pair or more,which will help when out working them as well.If your new to the game and plan on keeping/working ferrets for a few years then i would get a young hobb and have him done at the vets.You can then add as many jills as you like knowing you can take them out of season when nessersary .If you ever get to the stage you want to breed borrow a hobb in or get another hobb of your own.Good luck!!
  10. Dam sight more reliable than mine i bet
  11. If your a Tenant farmer/ lease land etc you have the right to control vermin and or authorize someone to do it on your behalf . You do not however normally have the right to authorize,let,or sell the sporting rights.Case closed, he was granted permission by the tenant for vermin control.Get that in writing from the tenant and tel them to take a long walk!!
  12. Take the dogs out and call in the chippy/takeaway shel never know
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