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  1. Thanks for the reply. The one I had before was one of his would you believe! I am set on getting something a bit smaller this time as the only quarry I am likely to target is rabbit on a lamp. I thought he only breeds greyhound crosses - or am I wrong? Hence I was thinking of whippet or a whippet cross for looks only as I quite like the rough coat.
  2. Hi All. I am based in Norfolk. Having had a break of over 20 years for the normal reasons I am going to purchase a running dog. Previously I had a 3/4 Greyhound 1/4 Collie which I was very happy with. I am looking for a rabbit dog for lamping and will be purchasing either a working whippet or a whippet cross (not sure about Bedlington - perhaps favour a sprinkling of Collie). I intend to train the dog to retrieve to hand. My question is where to go. I am not concerned about the "deal of the century" and would like to find some reputable sources to consider. Thanks in advance.
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