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Everything posted by 0395kenyon

  1. I got my ass kicked for asking for permissions when I first joined this community, but since Ive knocked on doors, more doors and then a few more. Eventually got a permission. You have to work at it. Once you have one other ones are easier to obtain as you are trusted if you have respect for your shoot. I will hopefully have another permission shortly because the landowner has just booted the previous shooters off his land because they were so untidy, leavng cartridges on the ground, along with beer cans, food wrappers and even a dumped BBQ!!
  2. Im door knocking and dropping letters if theres no answer. Im not freeloading. Im just using all available means.
  3. Best to try and lose than not try at all. Thats my theory.
  4. See what funds you get. Try to add more finances and get the best gear you can. Really research what you want and once you have made that decision stick to it. If you have to wait a week, a month or a year it doesnt matter. Its better to wait and be delighted with what you have got, rather than rush things and still feel I wish I had that.
  5. Permission wanted for shooting with BSA R10 MK2 PCP air rifle. Responsible and safe shooter looking to shoot woodpidgeon, rabbit and vermin. If anyone out there can help me out I would be very grateful.
  6. Hi!! My name is Dave. Im from Wirral. Firstly, What a great site!! Loads of good information passing around. I currently own a BSA R10 MK2 which is fitted with 3-9x50 scope, Weirauch moderator and bipod. I am currently shoot mainly at North Wales Shooting School and I'm hoping to gain permissions in North Wales/Cheshire/Wirral. If anyone can help me out I'd be grateful.
  7. I use an Edgar Brothers bipod on my R10 MK2 and its fine, no contact at all with the stock. I dont use the bipod for shooting though, it just keeps the rifle off muddy ground to keep it clean.
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