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Everything posted by 0395kenyon

  1. welcome mate... enjoy the site :boogy:
  2. I agree its about choice and experience. For HFT, FT etc i'd go all the way with .177. But as a personal preference I prefere .22 for live quarry, just gives more of an exchange of energy Yeah, you have to get over the 'lob' but a good bit of paractice on the range will sort this out and get your eye on the milldot hold over or under. I suppose its all about self training. Forget all the hollow points, and pointed pellets, a good roundpoint in my rifle, such as H&N, Accupel, JSB exact etc work fine with my R10 MK2 .
  3. Pax has tried small and lighter - Does not have the Stopping power of .177 .177 is Flater than .22 Majority of Targets are Shot with .177 - so Shooters are better aware of pellets capablity - BOB/R With the faster speed and smaller load than .177, wouldnt it make it more unstable in flight?
  4. Im out for Woodies tomorrow!!! Fingers crossed!!! Good shooting mate
  5. Besides, rabbits are bloody inconsiderate little sods that seldom pop up at just the range you want them to! Bunny Tickler... thats hit the nail on the head!! Thats got to be the quote of a lifetime.... soooo true!!
  6. In thick woodland even rangefinders are decieved, with low overhanging branches and leaves, even in winter and a slight breeze. Best to take a few test shots at their range on a tree or similar before you gp for the kill shot.
  7. Its a great topic, but I find that practice, practice and more practice are important. You need to reactively shoot. Its great to shoot pellet on pellet at targets at known ranges. Great for target shooters but in the field, especially in woodland where its more difficult to judge distance , the whole thing becomes so much more complicated. You have to make adjustments for the elements, elevation, and other factors.
  8. The HW mods are longer but if its silence you want they are the best. The length of an inch or so doesnt affect shooting unless you shoot in very tight places like cow sheds etc, but you adopt to them.
  9. Have a good think about R10 Mk2. Cracking gun. if your a lefty just look for one with a lefty stock. Try as many guns as you can its much a personal preference at the end of the day.
  10. I find Weirauch mods are the best for the R10. I use one on mine.
  11. Good shooting mate. They are a pain in the arse for local wildlife and an introduced species at that!! They are good eating as well... try it!
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