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About jimmytwohand

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 29/10/1980

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    UK Brum
  1. Looks nice. Great idea. Blue Peter would be proud. I wonder what offcuts are in the shed.....
  2. Great post and topic. Thanks! I'm considering giving my new acquisition a once over myself as my budget is basically zero. I'm not going to need a spring compressor or anything to get it back together am i? I assume some grunting and swearing is all it should take non-FAC, if that.
  3. Enjoyed following this. Between yourself and a few others i'm just about convinced this is possible for a broke, dunce like me. Just found some 800 and 1200 grit in the shed as well some i'm only lacking the lubes. Don't blame me if questions follow. Would be interested in the painting you do as you've also piqued my curiosity in that regard too. Ta, J
  4. Just when i think the RM cant disgrace themselves any more, i read another post on here. Shocking and disgusting, good luck fighting the good fight.
  5. Thanks for that, most websites list it as a 5m possible error but don't list whether it is a + - or total. Nor at what distance that is. 0.1% is very respectable at AG ranges! Thanks for the good info. Shame Christmas has just gone by. J
  6. So their accuracy is pretty good? Nearest yard? Or am i asking too much?
  7. I'm probably reading this wrong as i am not a legal boffin but i was puzzled by the wording of the license. I was looking at 2.(ii)a-d. This license then says it is legal to use a semi-automatic weapon and "inhumane" cage etc under given circumstances? Can anyone clarify whether this is correct and it is listing exceptions as my uninformed instinct was that there should be a "not permitted" between (ii) and (a ). I'm probably wrong but i thought even trap cages had to conform to welfare standards and semi-autos were definitely on the naughty list..... Taken from General license England 2014
  8. The advantage of the fixed power is you will more easily be able to learn the hold/over under (and use the mildots for range estimation if you have that reticle) as it will take the change in magnification calculations out of the picture. This may be a consideration with the more pronounced 22 trajectory, especially if you are going to be hunting IMO, where the instinctual and learned has an advantage over the slightly slower, cold calculating and measuring approach (IMO once again, if you are going to be hunting from a hide with obliging quarry.....well maybe the reverse ). Variable magnific
  9. What is the + - on these range finders in practice please? It generally seems to quote 5m for something like the Hawkes mentioned above. They have come down a lot in price since i was last shooting and I like the idea of pre- registering different landmarks. At the distances i may be shooting + - 5 (or is it +-2.5?) seems a bit too much variance compared to what the old eyeball can do. I take it the cheapy golf range finders would require you to first javelin your quarry with a golf pin? Thanks
  10. I could only agree more if you added a terrible expletive as a prefix to each of your 3 words! Not sure why i ever let my interest fade. The intersection of the cerebral science and the instinctual art one finds in shooting these beasts is truly glorious. That's not just the new year spirit(s) talking.
  11. It's less scarred than me and we are of the same pedigree. Great way to plink in the new year! I've read very good things about the 97 and was always a fan of the 77 from FT days. Wish i had the skills for some fettling myself. Once i'm up to speed i'll be looking for a friendly farmer myself. I'm led to believe a friend of mine has an ex-gamekeeper pal with more perms than he can service. Fingers crossed. I do miss foggy winter mornings and crispy grass underfoot at dawn. Your memory tends to filter out this country's tendency to drench you on a regular basis though! Likewise on the best
  12. Thank you Chris! The term "over engineered" springs to mind whenever i think of the HW80s. It'll just be this rifle and the cockroaches left in the ash of my house after the apocalypse. I'll be interested to hear back from Weihrauch what age it is, i'm guessing 1981-82 based on a 912898 S/N. Remarkable how crisp the safety is and how tight everything still seems after three decades. If anyone knows of anything i should be looking out for on a rifle this age (apart from a regular chrono check) I would be all ears. I'll stop being a lazy swine and go searching too though. I always used
  13. That's incredible. Brave folks standing on the edge. Get the wheelbarrow and spade out!
  14. Happy New year to you too Skot and to one and all! A new rifle does do wonders for festive spirit doesn't it. Found the cable at last. There are some pics on google photos to have a look at for all those interested in surface rust pitting and West German engineering (hopefully you can all access that). Note the iron sight removal which i assume was done solely with a spoon and lots of swearing. Best of luck to you! i've been watching the clouds since i got up this morning but signs of being able to have a blat do not look good. Think i've put a hex on the weather. I really
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