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Al rounder

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About Al rounder

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. That was just more fuel for the antis, with absolutely no proof that lurcher men had cause them injuries.
  2. Didnt know the kennel club sold dogs??? Not directly of course but the members do. Im talking about the organisation as a whole.
  3. Have a small smooth coat patterdale bitch whos only about 10" shes only started dug a fox to weeks ago with her.
  4. This is what happens when the kennel club get their greedy hands on working breeds. They put designer labels on them and sell them for a fortune.
  5. I would let the permission go before killing cubs. Its ridiculas imo.
  6. We as hunting men have the responsibility to respect our quarry. Every season after christmas we release every vixen we dig so they produce for seasons to come and year After year we have great seasons. Hope andybhoy learns from his mistakes.
  7. unfortunately the papers can write what they want. they are to powerful and wealthy to take to court you wouldn't stand a chance. should rename it SUNDAY SPOOF!
  8. the police over are dicks, same as the papers did you see the Sunday world today? With the write up on the women with the dead foxes and the word banned in large bold print. Jim McDowell is a wanker who makes criminals out of innocent people with more lives than a cat Seen that Big G more anti country sports propaganda by that wan*er Stephen Philpot. but this should be a lesson to those who post photos and videos of lurcher and terrier work on the internet. Its fuelling the campaign against us. All they need is a photo and they can write all the bullshit they want about it to brainwash the
  9. I wish I could say the same about the police over here.
  10. Did these thugs get arrested? Because if the terrierman had been breaking the law the cops would have been on the seen like a shot. In fact nowadays even if you are working with in the law the police are still turning up and harassing.
  11. imo a lot of Antis are out too cause a stir, Or to exaggerate the extent of some situations because it gives them a bit of excitement in their dull lives. I don't think the life of an animal is in there best interests. Not all Antis but a large number. I have heard horror stories were Antis have physically attacked people who part take in different hunting pursuits. people also being stabbed by these thugs who call themselves protectors of nature. Surely human life should be protected 1st and foremost. Hypocrites imo.
  12. A lot of burrows flooded this year. Not getting the numbers we usually dig, most have been run in by the hounds. Dug one today though.
  13. Redmills racer its high in protein and its not expensive comes in 15kg bags. But you cant beat brown bread mixed with tripe or beef.
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